Page 43 of Parts of Us
Archie peered out the kitchen window. “They’re two peas in a pod, I swear.” He could not look more in love with whatever he was seeing.
I leaned over the counter to peer out too, and I spotted Master Greer and Corey wrestling with the dogs. I scrunched my nose. It was dark and muddy and wet and gross.
* * *
I kept getting weepy while Master Greer took his second shower with Corey. The longer I stayed, the worse things got.
Daddy, come get me. Please come get me.
Archie fussed over me, and I felt so bad because it wasn’t working. There was nothing he could do. I just wanted to be with my own family.
I sniffled and wiped at my face, and Archie brought drinks and cookies to the couch.
“Come here, love. Sit down. Would you like some tea? Or coffee?”
I shook my head and sat down in one of the chairs. “Please just ignore me—I’m a mess.”
“I can’t do that.” He smiled sympathetically. “I think we—” Something caught his attention, and he looked toward the hallway.
Corey stood there with a towel wrapped around his hips. “Someone requires your service in the bathroom.”
“Of course. I’ll be right there.” Archie excused himself, and I waved him off. That was way more important than tending to my stupid emotions. “Pick a movie till I get back.”
Sure, sure.
I reached for the remote and grabbed a cookie too.
Corey trailed closer, running a towel over his head. “Is there anything I can do? I can offer you dirty jokes and gossip.”
I mustered a weak smile and shook my head. “Thanks, I’m good.”
He lifted a brow and climbed over the armrest of the couch to sit down. Because he couldn’t possibly round the furniture and sit down like a normal human being; he had to climb over it.
“You don’t even wanna know that we’re planning a prank for the cruise?” he challenged.
I furrowed my brow. “Who’s in on it?”
If Noa was game, he would’ve told me, wouldn’t he?
“Sorry, that’s classified information,” Corey replied.
I chewed on the inside of my cheek and considered my options. I guessed if I wanted information, I’d have to sell my soul to the devil and be a part of the prank. Been there, done that! I’d bratted off plenty at the Funhouse event last year.
“Are you in?” he asked.
“I’ll think about it,” I said. “Ask Noa first.”
He just smirked, so I guessed Noa was already in.
Corey wasn’t the best at lying.
And I wasn’t the best at handling future plans tonight. Christ, we had the cruise coming up. We had so many plans. So many events. But did we really? Or would Master and I end up canceling everything? Would KC and Noa go off on their own? I couldn’t see them skipping out on the cruise. They shouldn’t have to anyway.
“I’m just gonna put on jammies,” Corey said. “Can I watch a movie with you and Archie after?”