Page 74 of Parts of Us
I grinned and dug out my shades from the side pocket in my chair. “Of course, baby. You can take a joke like a champ too.”
Greer coughed to hide a chuckle. “I’m glad to hear there’s no trouble in paradise.”
I slid on my shades and puckered my lips at Lucian.
Greer turned to Archie. “Go get these turtle doves some coffee, pet.”
“Of course, Master. I remember how they prefer it.” Archie rose from his seat and paused briefly. “Can I get you anything else?”
“That’s plenty. Thanks, pet.” I dumped the two bags of candy on the table and noticed Lucian frowning to himself. “Now what?”
He shook his head and glanced toward our cabin. “I think I need to speak to Cam about his chores today. I’m struggling to give him the simplest tasks nowadays.”
“He’s been sick,” I reasoned.
“I know, but you heard him this morning,” he said. “He feels better, and he’s bored. He’s worried I won’t return to high-protocol with him.”
“Is he right to be worried?” Greer wondered.
Lucian inclined his head. “Unfortunately. I just want to do everything for him lately—and I realize it’s my guilt talking. I also know I’m falling into this trap where I do the exact opposite of what he needs from me.”
“Trap?” I didn’t get that part.
“Because it’s how we’re raised to act in society,” he sighed. “When you fuck up, you cater to the person to make amends. You go the extra mile, you fuss, et cetera. But when you do that to a slave…”
Got it. Yeah, that made sense. Spoiling a domestic sub rotten with favors and completing their chores for them would legit make them unhappy.
“Sounds to me like you need to make room for both for a while.” Greer yawned and stretched out his arms over his head, then leaned back in his seat. “I reckon most of us go through those periods. I had one with Archie not too long ago—so I forced myself to go on with our routines, but I added some pamperin’ to the schedule too. If he kneeled by my feet, he got a scalp massage too. If he spent all day with the kids, I snuck him out for dinner, just the two of us.”
I nodded, liking that solution. It sounded great.
Lucian nodded too, all pensive-like. “You’re full of good ideas, aren’t you, buddy? Except when you hold my property hostage.”
Greer and I chuckled.
“Careful,” I heard Colt grumble from behind us. “I’m defrostin’ from a long, cold winter over here.”
“I apologize, Sir.” It was Macklin who responded. “Sometimes I forget you’re more delicate than the rest of us.”
Oh shit.
Greer and I exchanged a smirk, and even Lucian was happy to tune in to the shots fired at the other table.
It was hilarious how the entire patio fell silent.
Colt slowly got up from his chair and pushed up the sleeves of his long-sleeved tee, and he positioned himself right in front of a smiling Macklin.
“So you bump into my chair, interrupt my nap time, and then you insult me?”
“It just happened, Sir—I don’t need a Previously on Mclean House Drama as if it aired last week,” Macklin said.
I let out a low whistle.
As if on cue, Walker and Ty stepped out onto the deck and squinted in the bright light, and it was clear they didn’t know what they’d walked into.
“What’s happenin’ here?” Walker asked.
Something was up.