Page 101 of Beautiful Haze
Cali: I said yes, very.
War: I can help you stack books. Be there in five.
Her eyes rolled again but her smile also expanded. War was unlike any man she ever experienced. All consuming, intentional, and very attentive. He was also spoiled with everything about Cali. Her thoughts, her body, her time. He wanted it all and she was more than willing to hand it over because she wanted the same in return, all of him.
She pushed her phone into a back jean pocket and paused when the conversation her boss was engaged in caught her attention. It was private and she hadn’t planned on eavesdropping, but it was hard not to.
“I looked at everything and there’s nothing beneficial or worth looking into. They torched the sofa, both vehicles, and the body they found in the trunk was only identified because of dental. Donald Taylor. He’s in the system with two open drug charges.”
“You’re prosecuting?”
Nilou scoffed. “Girl no. It’s drug or gang related. I’m not going to invest the city’s hard earned money or resources trying to figure out who he pissed off and I know that’s terrible but I can’t invest the time.”
“Considering you’re the DA, that’s very terrible,” Reyna stated amusedly.
“Girl, don’t think these folks aren’t watching my every move. If I waste time or money and come up empty, that’s a problem. That’s two torched bodies in a month and a half and no one cares or will care.”
“Damn, it’s like that?”
“Are you surprised? You know how this works, Reyna.”
“I do and no I’m not surprised. You have an ID on the second body?”
“Maurice Washington.”
Cali gasped and threw her hand over her mouth.
“He have a record, too?”
“Domestic claim from six years ago. He beat his girlfriend pretty severely. She was in the hospital for a few days but nothing came of it. I did some digging and found out her family moved her out of state after she signed a waiver of prosecution. No one ever prosecuted. Maybe he’s up to his old ways again and if so…” Nilou didn’t finish the sentence. “Either way he pissed off the wrong people.”
Cali was so caught up in the conversation she hadn’t realized War was there until his hand met her face. Her eyes went wide and his narrowed.
The two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before Cali found her words. “Did you do something to Maurice?”
War’s eyes narrowed more and he slowly shook his head. Cali’s eyes darted toward the counter where Reyna and Nilou were still engulfed in their discussion about the murders. He noticed her alarm and brushed his thumb over her cheek.
“York,” he said and she blinked several times.
War lowered his hand and linked it with Cali’s before he began moving to the back of the store. When they were at a safe enough distance to explain, he stopped. Cali leaned against the closest wall for stability and he blocked her in, crowding her with his tall massive frame.
“Ask,” he stated calmly, keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“York killed Maurice?” She spoke so low it released as a whisper.
War nodded slowly.
“I don’t know all the specifics but his decision was based on something Conner said to him the night of the cookout.”
Cali’s brows pinched. “Conner asked him to do it?”
“No, but she didn’t have to.”
He watched, gauging, noticing the flood of questions crashing her mind. He and York were very much the same person. They were killers when required. They could also take a life and sleep at night, unbothered by their actions. She would have to accept the good with the bad.
“Were you there?”