Page 105 of Beautiful Haze
“I’m proud of you too.”
“For what?”
“You’re letting War love you.”
“Or maybe I just found another dependency.”
Conner shook her head. “No, that’s not it. It’s not the same. He’s not the same.”
Cali smiled softly. “He’s not.” She frowned, pulling her lip between her teeth. “Have you talked to Maurice lately?”
“No, but it would be kind of hard to do considering…”
Cali’s eyes went wide. “You know?”
“Yes, I know. We still have some of the same friends. I saw where someone posted the news article about what happened.”
“Did you know it was York?”
Conner stilled briefly. Cali could sense she was caught off guard but then she relaxed. “No, but I’m not surprised.”
“Why not?”
“At the cookout he asked me if I could change anything about my past, what would it be? I said my life with Maurice. He said he would give me that if he could but since he couldn’t he promised my future would be a million times better.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Neither did I at first. I brushed it off, just thought he was kicking his shit, running game but there was something about the way he said it. The look in his eyes. I don’t know. When I read the article, he was the first person I thought about.”
“Because you knew he did it,” Cali said with her eyes locked on Conner’s. She frowned and nodded.
“Nothing about the situation is normal.” Conner’s brows pinched and the soft smile surfaced. “Nothing about York is normal but I suppose I can say the same for myself.” She locked eyes with her sister. “Is it terrible that I’m not upset about what he did?”
“Maybe but I understand why you feel that way.”
Conner nodded and released a short sigh. “Enough talking for tonight. Let’s finish the movie.”
She leaned across the sofa, lifted the remote, and the conversation was done.
War eyed Neece carefully after he stepped inside her home. She had been quiet and withdrawn over the past couple weeks. The only reason he wasn’t too concerned was because each time he checked in on JoJo his baby cousin was happy, healthy, and thriving. Neece didn’t always make the best decisions but she truly did love her son.
“Where’s JoJo?” he asked, once satisfied that she seemed okay.
Neece pointed to the floor near the entrance to the living room where JoJo was sitting with a frown on his little face, tugging at a plastic ring toy. War delivered a rare smile, one that only a handful were blessed to experience. As of late, Cali was at the top of the list.
“What’s up, lil man? You can’t figure it out?”
At the sound of War’s voice, JoJo lifted his eyes and a huge smile spread over his entire face. He dropped the toy and took off toward War, crawling faster than should have been possible. War met the infant and lifted him into his arms. He kissed the top of his head before he tossed him in the air, garnering a giggled squeal.
“Why are you so rough with him?” Neece wanted to frown but the smile planted on her son’s face brought one to hers.
“Cause y’all always babying his little ass.”
War started toward the living room and Neece followed. War sat on the sofa, only able to keep JoJo contained for a brief moment before he was wiggling for freedom. After he put the infant onto the carpeted floor, he had eyes on Neece.
“You good?”