Page 107 of Beautiful Haze
Cali lifted a fry and nodded. She and Kirsten were at the tail end of a late lunch. She worked that morning and since the store was slow and Samadia and Cali were both there, Reyna asked if one of them wanted to leave early. Cali volunteered since she had a few errands to run, but before she could manage the first, Kirsten called and invited her to lunch.
“And you’re good with spending time with JoJo?” Kirsten watched Cali closely.
“I know I didn’t react well when I first found out, but considering the entirety of the situation, can you truly blame me?”
“No, I can’t but I still have to consider JoJo. He’s an innocent party in the decisions the adults in his life have made. Merritt, his mother, War, even me.”
Cali nodded in understanding. “This may be hard for you to believe but regardless, it’s the truth. Merritt and I had our time. I could dwell on the bad decisions he made, the ones I made for allowing him to be a part of my life but I won’t. He was necessary. If I hadn’t experienced him, I wouldn’t have…”
“My brother.”
“Yeah.” Cali sighed. “It’s not conventional. It’s ugly, messy, complicated but it’s also beautiful because I’m with the person who truly sees me. A man who values my heart. The only reason I look back is because I know my past brought me to a future I couldn’t have dreamed possible. JoJo is a part of that future. So yes, I’m good with having him in my life. War and I discussed things and we worked through all my reservations.”
Kirsten smiled and her shoulders relaxed. “What’s the plan for War’s birthday?”
“His birthday?” Cali frowned and Kirsten laughed, rolling her eyes.
“He didn’t tell you?”
“No. When is it?”
“Tom… shit.”
“Don’t trip. Stop looking like he’s keeping secrets. War and Merritt were close. More like brothers than cousins so their birthdays were always a big thing. Both of them doing too much and acting like it was a national holiday.” She grinned. “But last year his birthday was a couple weeks after…”
Kirsten paused and Cali did the math. “Merritt died.”
“Yeah, so he didn’t celebrate. He was drunk off his ass for two days, didn’t even leave the house. By the third, he moved past it like nothing happened. I know it was hard, still is, so I’m guessing that’s why he hasn’t mentioned it.”
Cali frowned, staring into blank space. “Maybe I shouldn’t do anything.”
“You absolutely should. If you guys are really moving forward, starting new, in this together, then you have to make new memories. I can help you plan something if you want.” Kirsten grinned. “I mean, birthdays are my thing.” She winked at Cali who laughed.
“I agree but I think I have an idea.”
“Oh, do tell.” Kirsten leaned over the table and Cali shook her head.
“Nope, it’s a surprise, and I know you can’t hold water.”
“How you know that?”
“The day I met your mother for the first time, it’s because War told me you ran your big mouth and told her about me.”
“Wow, I thought we were better than that, sis,” Kirsten pouted.
“We are, but I still don’t trust you and I want this to be a surprise. I just have to figure out how to make it work.”
“You wouldn’t have to if you would let me help,” Kirsten argued and Cali lifted a few fries and pushed her chair back.
“You can help by paying for this. I need to go check on something.”
“You’re really gonna make me pay for lunch and not tell me what you’re planning.”
“Pretty much and thank you for the heads up,” Cali tossed over her shoulder with a huge smile as she walked away from the table.
“Welcome to Diablo’s. They told me you wanted to schedule a catered dinner?”