Page 13 of Beautiful Haze
“Nah sis, that wasn’t a nothing kinda smile. It was definitely a something kinda smile.”
Conner peered at her sister with a raised brow until Cali’s face split into a grin once more. “See, it’s something,” Conner teased. “Spill!”
“I kissed a guy.”
“Oh shit, when, who?” Conner sat up, placing her back against the arm of the sofa and pulling her legs up enough to cross them at the ankles while she awaited details of this mystery kiss. Her big sister hadn’t been herself in a while and Conner worried all the time, no matter how much Cali insisted that she was fine.
Conner knew better. Losing Merritt was hard on Cali. It devastated her sister in ways she never imagined possible. Cali fell hard and fast so when she lost him, she spiraled out of control and sank into a dark place. To hear that she kissed someone was progress and a sign that maybe her big sister was ready to move on and possibly be happy.
“On my birthday.”
“Your birthday? Shit Cali, that was a week ago!” Conner almost yelled which had Cali’s eyes rolling.
“It’s not like you cared. You were too busy with your own life to worry about mine.”
Conner’s expression exposed her guilty conscience. That morning had been rough. She’d argued with her boyfriend and spent the day sulking until he came home apologizing like he always did when he was wrong. Their cycle was toxic but she loved him and couldn’t seem to walk away when she knew she should.
“Sorry, I’m gonna make it up to you.” Conner’s voice was timid which made Cali’s demeanor soften. She didn’t like the way her sister put up with Maurice’s disrespect but she loved Conner so she dealt with it. It was just the two of them which meant Cali was all she had and she would never turn her back on her only sister. Tough love maybe but she would never completely shut Conner out.
“It’s okay. Don’t sweat it.” Cali waved her off.
“So tell me about this kiss. Who was it?”
“I don’t know.”
“What the hell you mean you don’t know?” Conner angled her head to the side, frowning at her sister. Cali was the older, more responsible one. Kissing a stranger was more up her alley than it was befitting of her sister’s behavior.
“I mean I know his name and a little bit about him but that’s it.”
“So…” Conner pressed, waiting.
“His name is War and my god he’s gorgeous. Like everything about him is gorgeous.”
“Ah shit, sounds like you got a little crush.”
Cali blushed, closing her eyes briefly before she shook the thought. “I mean I do but I don’t think it matters. I have no idea how to find him or if he even wants to be found.”
“Hold up, I’m confused. How the hell did you kiss this gorgeous man and don’t know how to find him? You didn’t get his number?”
Cali shook her head, feeling stupid. “No, it didn’t feel right at the time.”
“But it felt right to kiss him?” Conner’s brow lifted as she stared at her sister.
“Yeah it kinda did. He caught me at a bad time and when I told him it was my birthday, he asked what my plans were. I didn’t have any so he insisted that I let him make my birthday special.”
“Did he?”
Cali grinned, nodding again. “He really did, then I kissed him and he took me home. I thanked him for spending my birthday with me, he tossed out a ‘you’re welcome’, and left.”
Cali’s shoulder sank as she leaned back against the sofa. “Is it crazy that this was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had and it was because of a stranger?”
“No, it’s not crazy. What’s crazy is if that man is as gorgeous as you say he is why the hell didn’t you get his number, zip code, shit, even his last name? Do you even know his last name?”
“Gerrad and I know where he lives. He took me to his house.”
“His house, what? You went to his house and you don’t know him? Who the hell are you?”