Page 19 of Beautiful Haze
The two were engaged in a dangerous exchange. War should have retreated but it was too late. He’d been obsessing over her lips since they parted ways a week ago and now she was here, in his proximity, by choice.
“Yes.” Her voice was anxious and strained which forced a smile on War’s face just before his hands moved to her ass and he jerked her to the edge of the counter. The only thing preventing Cali from falling was his body pressed between her thighs.
“I missed this,” he said lowly, brushing his lips across hers again before he delivered a soft peck. “And this,” he further explained before actually kissing her the way he wanted. The sweet taste of icing on her tongue met his which swept the inside of her mouth, exploring freely. Just like the first time, they were both breathless and mildly intoxicated from the kiss when they separated. War closed his eyes again before pressing a soft touch of his mouth to Cali’s forehead and chuckling under his breath.
“What’s funny?”
“You and what you do to me.”
“What do I do to you?”
He stepped back and helped her down. “I’d rather not say. You want to see the rest of the house?”
Cali shoved what was left of her cupcake in her mouth before War extended a hand, signaling for Cali to follow his lead. After the first few steps, she stopped abruptly.
“Wait, we’re alone, right? Shit, you don’t have company do you?”
“It’s a little too late for you to be worrying about that don’t you think?”
“Yeah maybe but I feel like I should at least do the right thing and ask. I’d hate to surprise your girlfriend while you’re giving me a tour of her house.” Cali flashed a devious smile which had War laughing under his breath.
“That would be damn near impossible because one, we’re alone, and two, I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m sure you remember I already told you I didn’t. And three, I live alone.”
“Just checking.” Cali shrugged as War placed his hands on her hips, slightly nudging her forward. The two moved through his house viewing the six bedrooms, den, his office, weight room, and theater room where they ended up side by side in reclining leather chairs while Cali flipped through channels to find something to watch.
“This is a lot of house for just you.”
He nodded, staring at Cali’s profile while she watched the massive screen on the wall.
“It’s decent but I don’t plan on moving again so I figured I might as well buy something I could grow in.”
“Grow as in like having a family?”
Cali stared, waiting. She wasn’t sure why but she was curious about War. He seemed to be a bit of a loner.
“Yeah, one day.”
She nodded. “Did you decorate it yourself?”
“Most of it. My sister did her room and the one for my mom but the rest was me.”
“Oh, are they here a lot?”
War chuckled, shaking his head. “Almost never but they both insisted on having their own space. I wasn’t about to tell either of them no so my sister did her thing decorating the rooms they claimed.”
“Are you a mama’s boy?” Cali turned slightly to face War. His view was much better than what was on the screen.
“Depends on what you call a mama’s boy. I love my mother. She’s likely the most important person to me because she raised me alone. I’d do anything for her but she’s not all up in my life running me and shit. So if that’s what you mean, then no?”
“That’s kinda what I mean. Mothers and sons are weird sometimes.” She scrunched her nose and War nodded with understanding.
“She wants to be in my business and tries, but she also understands I’m a grown ass man who makes his own decisions.”
“You’re close to your sister too?”
“Yeah, we’re tight. It’s only ever been the two of us and my cousin. My aunt’s son. She died when he was fifteen so my mother raised him.” War found himself holding back when he thought about Merritt.
“I can tell you two are close. She seems nice.”