Page 27 of Beautiful Haze
“She’s straight. Don’t make her leave on my behalf.” He walked over to the small area she considered a dining space, taking a seat and motioning for Cali to sit. She straddled War’s lap, circling his neck loosely before frowning a bit.
“Are you sure? I know my sister and she can be pushy. Meeting family is kind of a big thing. I don’t want to make it seem like we’re something we’re not. It’s only been a few weeks.”
The bashful way Cali’s eyes lowered to meet War’s had his arms tightening around her body. “We’re whatever you want us to be. It’s not a big deal for me to meet your sister, you’ve met mine, so no sweat. I’m cool with it.”
“You sure?” She offered up one last chance at an out but War quickly shot it down.
“Yeah love, I’m sure.” Burying his face in the crook of her neck, War delivered a series of kisses before his teeth lightly pierced her skin. “Stop stressing, aight. We’re good.”
Cali smiled before she kissed both of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He knew right away she was focused on his freckles. Had she been anyone else it would have struck a nerve but Cali could do just about anything she wanted and he would sing her praises.
It was how War knew he was already in deep. What she considered soon had been blossoming in him for months now. The only thing new was now he had the privilege of experiencing Cali up close instead of from a distance. Her voice, her touch, her need for him only deepened what he’d been obsessing over since he’d first laid eyes on Cali. It fucked with his mind a little, keeping that from her, but it was the way things had to be.
“Man, stop kissing all over my face like I’m a puppy or a baby. That shit is awkward as fuck,” he teased, hooking her chin so he could actually taste her lips one last time.
“But these are adorable,” she whined when her eyes lowered to his cheeks.
“Man get your it’s adorable ass off me then,” he groaned, grateful for the interruption of Conner joining them.
“So…” She dragged the word out while easing into one of the chairs across from War and Cali. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
War nodded, his eyes landed briefly on Cali before they bounced over to Conner. “Oh yeah?”
“Should I be concerned?”
Cali’s cheeks warmed and she hid her face against his shoulder. Conner was unpredictable so there was no telling what would come out of her mouth.
“Nah, don’t hide. Face this firing squad with me.” War chuckled, kissing her cheek.
“Firing squad?” Conner feigned hurt. “I guess you’ve heard a lot about me too?”
“A little bit but it’s all good shit. Don’t worry.”
“Oh then she lied.” Conner flashed a huge smile that had both Cali and War laughing.
“Damn, maybe so.”
“Well let’s get to it then.”
“What’s this to you?” Conner waved her hand at the two of them, loving how intimately cute and comfortable they were. War obviously brought out a different side to her sister and she was grateful to see Cali smiling again.
“It’s whatever she wants this to be,” he answered truthfully, the same as he had to Cali. There was no blueprint to what they were doing, he just knew that he wanted Cali, however he could have her, and he would hold on tightly to whatever she offered.
“Well damn, so you’re already letting her call the shots.”
“Something like that. All I’m saying is that I’m good with however she wants this to play out.”
“Oh, you’re good?”
War released a cocky laugh. “This isn’t an act.”
“Better not be. I’ll go to battle over this one.”
“So will I. At least we have that in common.” He winked at Conner before he kissed Cali’s cheek again.
“I guess I’ll just take my third wheel ass right on up out of here then.” Conner was on her feet and Cali quickly slipped off War’s lap.