Page 33 of Beautiful Haze
“Nope.” Cali shook her head lightly.
“Seafood is okay?”
“Yes. I actually love seafood.”
“Okay then. Blank canvas. I love that. I’ll have a server out soon to get you started with appetizers.”
“I thought your ass wasn’t big time. I remember when you were the one serving.”
“Yeah well some things have changed. My time is better spent in the kitchen. I pay people to do the rest.” Teyon winked at War and Cali laughed as their personal chef left the room.
“I like her.”
“I bet you do. Women love to join forces when it involves putting a man in his place.
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is, but I’m cool with taking the heat.”
“You’re confusing.”
“Here you go with that shit again.”
“Well you are. The more I’m around you the more I realize you’re nothing like I expected.”
“Hood niggas like good food, Cali, nothing strange about that.”
“No, but personal chefs are not standard for hood niggas, War.”
He chuckled, nodding. “Yeah you can get that because it’s not the norm but neither am I.” She watched him lean back, slouching a little more in his seat before he asked, “What were you doing before you hit me up?”
“I went to a bookstore and got a job.”
“A job?” War couldn’t say he liked the idea of Cali having restraints on her time. Not now when he was growing fond of taking up every minute she allowed him to have.
“Yep, went in to explore and buy books and walked out with a sales associate title.”
“That’s good, right?”
“For me, yes. I feel like I need something. I spend too much time in the house. It’s important for me to get back to my life.”
“I fucks with it, but I’m not sure how I feel about your life being restricted by a job.”
“Why not?”
“A job means less time I get with you.”
Cali blushed, rolling her eyes. “I’m sure you have better things to do than worry about me.”
“I have plenty to do but that doesn’t mean I can’t or won’t make time for you, love. I know how to prioritize.
Cali decided not to argue. She liked the idea of War wanting her time. She wanted his just as much. Wanting anything concerning him both settled and frightened her. The last man she craved broke her in ways she never wanted to experience again. But in a loose sense, War was healing old wounds with his sexy, calm demeanor and easy personality.
The two shared a meal that had Cali rubbing her stomach in appreciation and instantly craving a nap. She didn’t get a chance to personally thank the chef because after their food was brought to the table it was announced Teyon had left to catch a flight.
Either way, Cali was pleased, grateful, and well satisfied.
“You in a hurry or can you chill with me for a little while?”