Page 37 of Beautiful Haze
From the corner, War watched the sapphire blue BMW back out of the driveway of Neece’s house. Janeece, who everyone called Neece, was Merritt’s old lady. The woman he’d settled down with far too young because history made him believe she was the one who would always hold him down.
Neece was just another hood chick who wanted to be tied to a dude in the streets. She and War were cool but never really tight. He thought she was sneaky but she wasn’t his so he didn’t give a damn how she moved outside of anything that put Merritt in danger.
Once the car moved down the street in the opposite direction from where War idled his truck, he took note of the license plate. His memory was one of his best assets so he didn’t bother writing it down or placing the alphanumeric combination in his phone.
War would be doing some research to find out who Neece had invited into her home and likely, her bed. Merritt was gone, War didn’t care who she spent her time with but he still didn’t know what went down the night Merritt had been caught slipping. Something in his gut led him to believe it was deeper than another man simply trying to come up, which meant everyone was a suspect, Neece included.
After he parked, War granted himself a minute to take in the house. A month after Merritt was gone, War made the down payment and secured the loan to make sure Merritt’s son had somewhere nice and safe to grow up.
He wouldn’t have his father but he would have the lifestyle Merritt wanted for his family. The two-story new construct was tucked away in a nice community that had good schools and parks in walking distance. Nathan Joseph Merritt Jr., or JoJo, wouldn’t come up in the streets like his father, if War had a hand in things. Since he controlled the money and Neece’s lifestyle, JoJo would have a simple life.
Once he was out of his vehicle and at the door, he knocked and waited. He knew the code that kept Neece and JoJo locked safely on the other side but he respected her privacy and always waited to be invited in. If the day ever came when the invitation no longer was extended, War would figure something out.
“War, hey,” Neece answered in surprise, seconds before her eyes moved past him.
Yeah I saw that nigga and will know who he is soon enough.
“What’s good, Neece? You gonna let me in or you busy?”
“No, I’m not busy, come on in. JoJo is sleep though. I just put him down.” She stepped out of the way, allowing him access, wrapping her arms around her thick frame. Neece had a natural Southern body. One of the things Merritt loved. Thick thighs, big ass, and curves that killed. Everything about her was natural which made it that much sweeter.
“That’s cool. I just stopped by to make sure you’re good over here.”
“You know we’re good, War.”
The money he put in her account was proof that the bills were paid but he needed to lay eyes on JoJo to make sure Neece didn’t fuck up the one responsibility he placed a demand on. Raising Merritt’s son was her only priority. What came secondary to that didn’t matter to War as long as JoJo had what he needed. Neece had been doing her part up to this point.
“I’mma go see my lil man real quick.”
“He’s asleep…”
War delivered a look and Neece rolled her eyes and turned on the pads of her bare feet. “Fine. Don’t wake him up,” she snapped, flicking her wrist toward War as she left him en route to the kitchen. He took the stairs, moving quickly until he reached the first room on the right. It had been selected for his baby cousin because it was across from the main bedroom.
The room had been decorated in a safari theme, which War footed the bill for. There was no expense too excessive for the tiny infant who stole his heart the minute he took his first breath. Merritt hadn’t been able to see his son being born, so War made sure he was there in his place.
With his shoulder pressed into the door jamb, War watched JoJo’s chest rise and fall. His dark skin belonged to his mother as well as most of his features. The only thing War could attribute to Merritt was the head full of hair. They both had thick curly manes and Merritt’s had been passed down to his son. Had War not put measures in place to ensure JoJo’s fraternity, he wouldn’t totally be convinced he was Merritt’s son. At least not by simply looking at the baby.
Once he had his assurance that JoJo was good, War joined Neece in the kitchen, frowning as he leaned against the counter. She was used to his cold demeanor and never took it to heart.
“What?” The elevated tone of her voice didn’t sit right with War. His visual warning had Neece’s eyes rolling again.
“You been smoking?” The scent was potent enough to be fresh and War didn’t mind what Neece did in her personal time but he had a feeling it wasn’t about her. She was a lightweight and more of a drinker. He simply wanted to gauge her response, knowing whoever just left had likely been the person blazing.
“Yeah, why? JoJo is asleep. I don’t do it around him.”
He simply offered a nod. “You just here to see JoJo or you had something to discuss with me?”
“I can’t come by just to make sure y’all are good?” he asked with a brow arched.
“War Gerrad does whatever he wants, right?” She turned her back and removed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He elected not to acknowledge her snide ass comment because he hadn’t pulled up on Neece to argue.
“How you holding up?” Neece and Merritt met when he was eighteen and although things were on and off, his cousin never completely left her alone. She had history which meant losing him hit hard some days.
“I’m surviving. That’s what you do when you lose someone, right?” Her eyes were fastened to War’s and he nodded, brushing a hand over his head. She was angry. Regardless of moving on with her life, Neece did love Merritt. War felt the pain of her loss.
“And JoJo? Everything good with him?”
“He’s in perfect health, War. Doctors say he’s a happy, healthy baby.”