Page 4 of Beautiful Haze
Not believing he would ever get the chance again, War was sure to keep his hands in place. It was selfish, but none of that mattered as long as he kept her anchored in that moment.
“I, uhh… thank you and I’m sorry.” Cali looked up into the hard stare angled in her direction, holding her hostage. Even with the tightness in his face and eyes, she could see the concern. The comfort and ease with how his dark eyes connected to hers pushed the feeling that he knew her. Or maybe he’s just aware of what crazy looks like and that’s what he recognizes.
“Don’t apologize. You didn’t do shit wrong.” War’s voice was just as hard as the look he delivered but Cali wasn’t offended. She could sense the brusque demeanor embedded in his genetic makeup. It was the reason her eyes continued to scan his face searching for answers.
“You wanna talk about it?” War felt the rush of awareness that he was playing with fire. Cali was off limits. Merritt was gone. Never coming back, delivering his blessing for War to be in her life, but…
She’s off limits.
He had witnessed the power she held. He had seen what Cali had done to Merritt, infiltrating his heart so rapidly that it mirrored the most aggressive cancer. Dangerous. Destructive. Lethal. He didn’t need any woman to have that type of hold on him. It was why War knew better than to get close to her, to talk to her, to experience all the good things about her, but…
Here she is.
“No, again, I apologize. I was just having a moment. Thank you, but I need to be getting home.”
I can’t let her go.
“You don’t know me. I get it. You shouldn’t talk to strangers. Especially not with how crazy the world is today but this is different. You need someone right now.” War couldn’t help the words from flowing once they started. This was going to backfire, but it was too late. Even if today was all he got, he had to have it. War and Merritt were cut from the same cloth. He too was selfish.
Cali opened and closed her mouth. She wasn’t sure how to respond or if she should but much like War, her mouth had a mind of its own.
“Today’s my birthday.”
War’s brows eased up slowly.
Ahhh, she’s giving me an in.
“And you’re here? In a cemetery?”
“I had to come. He is…was important to me. I miss him.”
So do I.
Nodding, War brushed his tongue over the top row of his teeth before he spoke again. “You have plans with anyone. Family? Friends?”
The conversation was strange. Too strange to be happening but it was so she answered honestly. “No. I’m not really a friends type of person and my family is complicated. Well everyone but my sister and she’s…” Expelling a huff of air, Cali thought about Conner. “I likely won’t see her today. She has her own life to figure out so celebrating with me is not a priority.”
“Aight bet. You’re spending the day with me.”
“What? No.”
War lowered his eyes to focus on her pretty face. The deep, warm brown complexion housed red undertones which enhanced the rich hue of her smooth skin. It was unusually cold and the exposure played a role. Her thick black hair was pulled back into a ponytail allowing a full view of her oval-shaped face. Her button nose and tiny heart shaped lips, which were now slightly pouted, had his dick hardening in his jeans.
“I get it. Back to the you don’t know me thing. My name is War Gerrad. You’re safe with me. I give you my word and my word is invaluable. You’re welcome to ask anyone in the city about me.”
Frowning a bit, Cali looked past the sexy stranger at his truck. Next her eyes were on him again. He was dressed simply but Cali knew labels, so she was well aware that his simple clothes cost a lot of money. There was not one detail about the man standing before her that was flashy or ostentatious. However, everything about him screamed money or even worse, street. The same kind of street that lived in Merritt.
“I’m not safe with you. Not with who you are. Thank you, but I’m going to pass.”
She backed away but War took a step forward, stopping only when he noticed the alarm in her eyes.
“Hey, don’t do that. Don’t look at me like you’re afraid. I would never harm a woman.” Especially not you. “I just want to make you smile. You said it’s your birthday and you’re about to spend it alone. You seem like you really need someone right now, even if it’s a stranger. That’s my only objective. I mean you no harm.”
Reaching into his pocket, War removed his wallet and offered it up. “Take it. My license is in there, all my cards. You can see that I’m who I say I am.”
Shaking her head, Cali reached for the wallet, taking it into her hands. The expensive leather was branded with H for Hermès. Running her fingers across the soft material, she opened it slowly, removing the license that accompanied several bank and credit cards.
Examining the thin plastic she checked the name, Wardell Gerrad, and address before easing it back into the slot. She removed a picture next. It was him and two women. They resembled each other. Same eyes, nose, and lips but where he had toffee brown skin and clusters of freckles on his cheeks and across his nose, both women had rich chocolate skin.