Page 47 of Beautiful Haze
“And you don’t?” his mother teased.
“According to you I don’t.” He winked at Grace through the phone.
“I would never deny you love, son. You deserve it just as much but JoJo has never made me worry the way you do. I’ve had to pray longer and harder when it’s about you. My prayer for JoJo is that he doesn’t follow in your footsteps.”
“Thank you and I’m sorry for making you worry, Ma. You don’t need to do that anymore and JoJo will be straight. He will never have to be out there like that.”
Grace sucked her teeth and pulled away. “You didn’t have to be out there like that so that doesn’t give me much peace.”
“See what you started.” His focus shifted back to Kirsten.
“Nope, don’t put that on me. That’s all you, Wardell.”
“Nah, you did that by calling me. Did you need something or just wanted to let her get in my ass about shit I can’t change?”
Kirsten’s smile expanded. “I wanted to know if you were coming back. You just dropped JoJo and left. That’s not like you.”
“Maybe tomorrow. You said you wanted to see him.”
“I know but I thought you’d be around too and why are you sitting in your car?” She narrowed her eyes at the screen.
“I’m out, don’t worry about what I’m doing and why.”
“Whatever. You’re probably out there stalking Cali.”
The mention of her name brought a lazy smile to War’s face. He hadn’t seen her in a few days. Since he pulled up on her at the bookstore to be precise. She hadn’t hit him up and he hadn’t reached out either. War wasn’t sure what they were doing and refused to fall victim to his emotions where Cali was concerned. If it were up to him, he would have her at his side twenty-four seven. For now, he was allowing her to take the lead.
“Mmhmm, I knew that’s what you were doing. I can see it all over your face.”
War chuckled. “I’m not stalking her.”
“But you want to be.”
“Get off my line, Kirs. Go spend time with JoJo.”
“Yeah I’ll do that. Tell Cali I said hello.”
The screen went black. Kirsten hadn’t allowed him to respond and after a few minutes, War started his ride and pulled out of the driveway then his neighborhood. He was on a journey to grab some food and settle in for the night at his apartment in the city. He had no plans for the weekend but being at home, one he’d allowed Cali access to and now held memories of her, wasn’t something he was in the mood for. He’d have to rectify that soon or later but at the moment, food was his priority.
Black Diamonds was body to body. Cali was sure they were breaking some type of law that would have the fire marshal shutting things down had they cared enough to show up. The crowd had her feeling anxious but she swallowed it down and dulled her nerves with alcohol. Conner was too excited to be out enjoying a night of freedom and Cali wouldn’t be a killjoy who took that away from her sister.
“These are good.” Conner lifted the bright blue drink and tipped it back, taking a big sip. Cali mirrored her sister’s motion and tried the one she ordered. The alcohol and syrupy flavor instantly sent her tastebuds into overdrive.
“Shit, this is good.”
“Slow down, lightweight. You know how you get with a real drink.” Cali had been the wild sister years ago but as time moved past and she matured, the most she could handle was wine and a few edibles. Conner picked up the role of becoming the drinker in the family which Cali overlooked because she attributed the change to the issues Conner was having in her relationship.
“I can handle it.” Cali took another big sip.
“I’m glad neither of us drove because you’ll be wasted in no time if you keep that up.”
Cali offered a lazy smile. “Isn’t that what you wanted? To come out, get wasted, and party like we used to years ago.”
“Have fun, yes, but not be sloppy drunk, so slow down.”
“I know my limits.” Cali shrugged and took in the sea of people. She and her sister were crammed into one corner of the bar. She watched everyone smiling, enjoying their evening, and their happiness brought out her own. “I’m glad you made me come. This feels good. It’s been forever.”
“Yeah it has. We should do this more often. We used to go out all the time.” Conner grinned.