Page 52 of Beautiful Haze
“And you see that I’m good?”
“I do but…”
“No buts. Go home, let him fuck the shit out of you and we’ll figure out the rest of this mess tomorrow. It’s the least I can do since I bailed on you tonight.”
“I don’t care about that…”
“Cali, go. Now or I’ll never forgive you. I already feel like crap for leaving you there. Are you really going to make me feel worse for ruining what’s left of your night with him?” Conner glanced toward the door and Cali rolled her eyes, offering a smile when Conner met her with one.
“Okay but promise to text me as soon as you’re up in the morning and we’ll figure this out.”
“Okay, okay. Now go.” Conner gripped her sister’s shoulders and turned Cali toward the man patiently waiting by the door. After a gentle shove, she focused on him. “Take care of her and thank you for bringing my sister to check on me. Not that she gave you much of a choice. I know how Cali is.”
War pulled Cali into his body when she was within reach. “No, she didn’t but I didn’t put up much of a fight either. You sure you’re good?”
“God, yes, I’m fine. I’m going to bed. You take my sister and put her to bed and I’ll live vicariously through the two of you with the hopes that I’ll have that one day.”
War chuckled at how candid Conner was. He understood why Cali loved her sister so much.
“Ehh, please don’t do that. It’s weird.”
“Yep, and you’ll get more of my sexually oppressed weirdness if you don’t go, sooo…” Conner stepped around them and opened the door. Cali huffed and pulled away from War long enough to hug her sister. She held her tightly and kissed Conner’s cheek.
“You make me crazy…”
“And you keep me sane.”
Just after they stepped out of the apartment, War turned to Conner, offering a serious expression. “You need her, you call. Don’t worry about what we have going on, aight?”
“Yep, got it.”
War stepped up to Cali and lowered his eyes. “We can hang out for a while if that will make you feel better.”
She offered a smile. “There’s no way she will let me do that so no, we can leave.”
“Then we can hang out in the parking lot, love. Keep an eye on things here. I’m cool with whatever puts you at ease.”
Cali’s smile stretched widely as she fisted the sides of War’s shirt. “No, it’s fine. She’ll bolt the door and if he doesn’t have keys, he can’t get in.”
“Hang on.” As they reached the parking lot, War removed his phone and made a call. Cali stood beside him, listening.
“Ay, you home?”
“For a minute, what’s up?”
“I got a friend around the corner from you. She might need some assistance.”
“What she look like?”
War’s jaw flexed. “It’s not that kind of party. I’m doing a favor for a friend. Her dude is a fucking bully. I’m like twenty minutes from here but you can get here in ten. You mind hanging around for a little while.”
“Yeah I can do that. You sure you don’t want to tell me what she looks like.”
War’s expression pinched when he glanced at Cali. “Nah, not with this one.”
“You better be glad I fuck with you heavy, War. If you need me, hit my line.”
“I got you.”