Page 72 of Beautiful Haze
“No, no kids.” Cali’s eyes drifted to War who didn’t react.
“You want some?”
“Uh one day, yes.”
War shook his head lightly, not believing this mother was being so forward.
“You’re holding that baby like you have one or you want one and since you don’t have any…”
“Ma, chill with that shit.”
“You’re not asking any of these women for kids so I guess I have to or I’m not going to get any grandkids before I’m too old to enjoy them.”
Cali’s eyes darted between War and his mother while she blushed at the infant Grace passed off the minute they entered the infant room where she was filling in for the day. Now Cali understood why. Grace was testing her comfort level with babies.
“It’s not your place to ask a woman to give you grandkids and the way you said that shit makes it sound like I have a whole rotation of women for you to run that question by.”
Grace rolled her eyes and looked at Cali. “Don’t go getting in your feelings about Wardell and his rotation because there isn’t one. The last person I met that he was even remotely interested in was that little piss tail girl he dated back in high school who acted like she couldn’t speak to me in my own house.”
War laughed, slightly shaking his head. There wasn’t a damn thing he could do with his mother so he rarely ever tried. “Is there a point to this?” he asked with amusement.
“My point is, I want some damn grandkids, Wardell. You don’t ask, you don’t receive.” Cali grinned when Grace glanced her way and narrowed her eyes on her son.
A woman stuck her head in the door interrupting them. “Ms. Gerrad, the Williamses are here for their tour. Would you like me to take care of it?”
“No, I’m coming but you can fill in here until I’m done. I have to do their paperwork and give them a tour, so no more than an hour.”
Grace turned to Cali while the other woman nodded and entered the infant room. “It was nice to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you again soon.” She threw Cali off when she pulled her into a tight hug, which squeezed the baby boy she was holding between them.
“Oh, same. And yeah, maybe.” Cali glanced at War who frowned at his mother.
“You damn sure won’t be seeing her again if your goal is to make plans with her uterus.”
Grace ignored War and turned her focus to Cali. “You don’t need him to come see me. You can come here anytime you want.” Grace paused and looked Cali over. “You have good genes too. I bet you’d make some pretty babies with him.” She grinned. “Yeah you come see me whenever you want and we can discuss how to get my grandbabies. It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission anyhow.”
“Ma, are you really offering to help her trap me with a baby?”
Cali burst out laughing at the scowl on War’s face. “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Grace sang as she left the room.
“Bruh, she’s outta her damn mind,” he mumbled, shaking his head again.
Cali glanced at the infant she was holding before her eyes landed on War. “You don’t have to worry about me trapping you with a baby, I won’t be plotting with your mother.”
He closed the space between them and leaned over her. “I know I don’t because you don’t have to trap me, love. If you ask for a baby, I’ll give you one willingly.”
She rolled her eyes and he kissed her temple. “Roll your eyes all you want, I’m dead ass. Now put his little ass down, he looks too damn comfortable in your arms.”
“He’s a baby,” she cooed, kissing the thick mane of curls on top of his head.
“Doesn’t fucking matter. I’m not sharing you with anybody, not even his conniving ass. Gilly, come get this baby so we can get up out of here.”
The woman who notified Grace she had a parent tour stepped up to Cali and extended her arms to request the baby. She also had an amused look on her face while Cali kissed the baby’s head a few more times, then relinquished custody.
On the way out, they passed by the office and Cali peeked in to find Grace sitting behind her desk with two parents and a toddler in their lap on the other side. She grinned at the adorable girl.
“Keep grinning at these babies like that and I’m really gonna give you some.” War’s animated tone had Cali eyes shooting up to him.
“She’s cute. That’s all.”