Page 22 of Oracle
Lily wrinkled her nose at her before swinging her legs down and scooting forward so she could reach the tray. Picking up a triangle of toast, she took a bite.
“I know this, Thea. But there is so much I'm learning here, even if I am a prisoner. Apollo has the most interesting books on oracles. While he hasn’t taught me anything useful himself, I have seen him use his gifts. When I'm ready, I will leave with more knowledge than I would have received at home.”
Her lips turned down as her hand stilled, the food forgotten. “I hope Soren hasn’t returned yet. I miss him terribly. He is my other half.”
The woman, Thea, patted her hand before pushing it up towards her lips. Lily’s snarky nature appeared once more. She stuffed the rest of the triangle into her mouth, chewing in such an overstated manner that the woman had to chuckle and shake her head.
Sighing, she consoled Lily. “I know nothing about you being able to leave, miss, but I am glad I got to serve you. You are a wonder, that is for sure. Some oracles that he brings here are vain, simple things. Not you. This is why you still fascinate him.”
Lily snorted, picking up her fork and digging into what appeared to be a thin French crepe with berries and yogurt. “I don’t fascinate him. My gift fascinates him. But he can’t have it. Nor does he truly understand it. I will return home. Just wait and see.”
Thea stood up, wiping her hands on her apron. “You keep saying that, Lilianne. Time will tell if it is true.”
A muffled caw came from the other side of the room and my mate whirled to search for it, clapping her palms together with glee when she found what she had been searching for. “Look! The raven is back! Welcome back, dear friend!” Running over to a window, she opened it, letting a black raven with a white patch of feathers on one wing hop into the room.
The old woman frowned, shaking her head. “Why do you let that bird in here? All it does is try to steal your food.” She glared at the avian in question. “Don’t you shit on my floor.” Shuffling her feet as she walked, she left the room, going back through the doorway she had come from.
Lily grabbed a broad leather strap and wrapped it around her forearm before persuading her feathered friend to step aboard. Carefully carrying it back to the table, she sat down, feeding it a ripe red berry.
“Thea doesn’t understand, Blackie. She doesn’t know that Soren is also a raven in our dream world. That you being here makes it feel like he is just a little closer. I hope he is okay and not worried. He does worry about me a lot. Then again, he went away first, so perhaps if he returns… No, I won’t think that. It is not his fault that Apollo stole me.”
I lost the vision as something warm hit my face. Lexi giggled and splashed me again, starting a playful water fight.
Chapter Six
Life as a prisoner of Apollo was cushy, even while being restricting.
They kept me locked in my room whenever he didn’t need me. He always sent either Samuel or Octavius to get me when he wanted to talk.
When the god was mad, frustrated or wanted to punish me for some infraction, he send Octavius the Bastard.
Not that I cared. I figured it was more of a punishment for his pion than it was for me.
Samuel, though, was interesting. He had a wry sense of humor and was hard to make angry. He also knew a wide number of subjects, making our conversations ones that kept me on my toes.
Today was his turn to escort me. I must have done something right recently. Either that or Apollo wanted me in a good mood.
“Hello, Samuel. What are we doing this morning?”
The blond hair, blue-eyed man smiled at me, gesturing for me to go in front of him. “How am I to know, Lily? I'm not an oracle or a seer. Apollo is in the gardens and wants you to join him.”
Walking beside him, I glanced up at him from beneath my eyelashes. “Ah. It is a good thing I wore pants today, then. I wouldn’t want to flash him, destroying his pristine mind.”
Samuel laughed, the sound echoing around the corridor as we reached the top of the stairs that led down.
“God forbid that!” He eyed the black leggings and long-sleeve T-shirt I was wearing. I had described what I wanted to Thea, who Apollo had tasked with taking care of my every need. She had made the clothing almost overnight, surprising me with her ingenuity. Realizing what she could do, I then described to her what else I would like to wear. I was now the proud owner of a couple of sun dresses, a pair of jeans, a few more pairs of leggings, and several oversized T-shirts, both long and short-sleeved.
She brought me underwear—which were soft and comfortable—as well as sandals and mid-calf boots. I had no idea where she got those from and I wasn't going to ask her. But I don't think she made those. Perhaps Apollo had stolen them from Earth for me.
Today, I was carrying the sneakers I had on when I arrived here, though. To match the casual clothing, I had pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and let the platinum strands flow down to my back.
“I like that outfit. It looks comfortable.” He turned back to direct me through a door that led out into the back garden.
I hadn’t been outside since I came here. Apollo probably thought I would escaped if I could, which I totally would have. And yet, now, here we were.
Twisting my head, I tried to take in everything while answering him. “Oh, these clothes are the best.” I threw him a smirk over my shoulder.