Page 28 of Oracle
Making sure I was last, I cast a spell to hide both our footsteps and our scents. When we turned off to climb up into the overlook cave, I stopped and placed a barrier shield over our path. I wouldn’t tell the others, but it would block all sense of our presence, including our voices.
No need to tempt fate.
Turning to follow them, I barely slid into place when the first hounds rounded the bend in the tunnel, heading straight to where we had been standing just minutes before.
I shook the tingling in my hand out, the magic not wanting to let go of me. I didn’t use it much here because it didn’t act like it did at home. But the little things I had done just now should have been okay. I didn’t expect that once I accessed it, it wouldn't want to be put away and forgotten once again.
Stop it! I chastised it as if it was my wolf and had its own mind. It settled, grumbling, still sparking off and on from my fingertips. It surprised me it obeyed, but I would have to think more about what that meant later.
An enormous group of men ran down the tunnels, spears and bows at the ready. The asshole leader, which Lexi had named Dumb Shit, rushed in before coming to an abrupt halt.
Those rushing in behind him didn’t realize he had stopped and plowed over him. He hit the ground hard.
Growling out something in irritation, he sat up, after which several men lifted him to his feet, spewing what sounded like apologies. Once he was back on his feet, he shook them off, his rage almost palpable.
It was funny watching the caution his people used as they stepped away from him. It was like a cartoon, where the intelligent carefully backed away from a lit bundle of dynamite or a ferocious beast. Then again, he was quick to anger and difficult to please.
I wished one of them would kill him and take over his position as head of the clan. But the group appeared loyal, or at least afraid of him. And we couldn’t know what a different guy would do, so perhaps it was best to stick with this one. At least he was predictable.
He turned, surveying the area, his outrage growing as he moved. Once he was back facing the entrance, he barked out something. Several males ran out of the cave, whistling for the dogs. They split to head in different directions, using the beasts to track us.
Good luck with that. I was sure they wouldn’t pick up a trace of us. In fact…
Listening, the yells of the men became louder. Dogs were running around in circles nearby, unable to determine where we went. A thud and then a yelp sounded as someone must have kicked out at one of the poor pups.
Lexi growled softly. I stared at her, willing her to be quiet. The barrier I had placed over us would mute all sound, but I didn't want to push our luck.
She snapped her jaws shut and glared at the scene below us.
Dumb Shit tore up the place, looking for us. For my sister. After leaving a shirt at a previous cave by accident, she had made sure she took all of her stuff with her. The damn man had sniffed and rubbed the item all over his face and chest, which had been disgusting to watch.
There will always be people that think they were better than everyone else and try to lord it over those who were weaker or who didn’t care. As well as men who thought women were property. Or even vice versa, in some cultures.
When the asshole found nothing, he screamed out his frustration, causing many of those with him to drop their heads. A few dropped to their knees, their foreheads almost touching the ground.
All but one man, who leaned against a wall near the entrance, a frown on his face.
I studied him. The man was younger than Dumb Shit, but not by much. He looked strong and probably would win in a fight with the leader. I figured he was one of those who didn’t want to lead.
At least, not until now. This chase had been going on for over a year. He looked tired. And he was leaning near one of my herb bundles, the leaves almost touching his arm.
I grinned. Good. Let's see what a little magical push will do.
After watching the fiasco play out in front of him for a few minutes, the man finally stalked over to Dumb Shit. When the leader turned to yell at him, the guy punched him straight in the face.
No words leading up to the act. No other tell. Only a fist into the face of the one causing problems for them all.
The asshole took several steps back, shaking his head in disbelief, blood flying everywhere from his broken nose. He spat out a tooth, before saying something mocking towards the other man, his hands clenched by his side.
That was all it took. The two men collided together, their fists thudding against flesh. No one else said a thing; they only moved to surround the two. No one interfered, which said more about Dumb Shit's leadership skills than it did anything else. They wouldn't help him, not in a fight for the top position in the clan.
“A fight for control?” Tamerin whispered, his mouth moving with barely a sound. Knowing we had exceptional hearing since we were lycanthropes helped in these situations.
I shrugged.
Lexi studied the skirmish, analyzing the opponents. “I haven't seen this other guy in the group before. But he is fairly well matched to DS.”
DS? Oh, right. Dumb Shit.