Page 30 of Oracle
“Okay—” I drawled, trying to figure out where this was leading.
Lexi’s quick mind and impulsive mouth jumped in before I could ask. “Does this mean he won’t follow us? Will he let us live in peace with them?”
The man’s dark eyes studied her, listening while the old man translated her question. He nodded twice, spoke quickly and decisively before gripping Tamerin’s forearms again. He turned to leave, his second following behind him.
Tamerin turned back to us. “Yes, he won't chase us. For a small price.”
That caused me to raise my eyebrows in inquiry, but he didn't pause long.
“He saw signs of the heated pool when they were chasing us. He would like to use them during the cold season. With the winters here being hard, his village would welcome the warmth of the cave and the waters. It may be the only way some of the younger members of their clan would survive the season.”
Lexi grinned. “Well, since I don’t plan on living another winter in this god-forsaken place and you want to come with us when we leave, I think that is reasonable. I just want to soak in it now to soothe my aches and pains.” She paused before stating firmly, “And by now, I mean, right now, as soon as our feet can take us there.”
She started off down a tunnel, following the path the two men had gone.
“Ummm…Lexi?” I now was grinning.
Tamerin snorted and turned, taking a different tunnel. I pointed at the old man’s back as I moved to follow him.
“Well, damn.” My sister groaned as she spun around to trudge after us. She got disoriented down here, which was easy to do in these tunnels, deep under the surface.
She quickly overtook me, moving to the middle position, her dark red braid swaying with every step.
We were ready. We were old enough. I wanted to go home.
Well, after a soak in the hot pool, that is.
Chapter Eight
It was Octavius’ turn to guard me today. I tended to ignore the man when he was on duty. We didn't like each other much. But he usually remained outside my room, which made it easy to forget he existed.
“What are your plans for today, miss?” Thea moved into the room, straightening anything she thought was even slightly out of place.
Lying on a couch, my book open face-down on my stomach, I stared up at the ceiling. Looking at nothing, my mind was filled with one thought.
I wanted to go home.
I wanted my mate.
And Apollo had triggered something inside my head when we had done the reading. Something that I couldn’t quite figure out, but I could feel growing.
My powers had changed.
Sipping in some of the ambient energy, I realized how easy it now was to replenish what I needed.
Well, something good came out of this kidnapping. Soren had tried to teach me so many times in the past, but it took an asshole god for me to understand the basics. Of course, since we were here on Delphi and god-energy differed from natural-energy, things may not work the same when I return to Earth. But a girl could only hope.
Closing my eyes, I slipped into my dream world. Searching the grayness, there was very little to see here. I still had done nothing to this space. I had only realized I could change it just a day or so ago.
Tiny movements far off in the distance caught my attention. After trying to travel to the spot without success, I realized they were not under my control. I couldn't get any closer. I wondered if it was Soren looking for me, but that didn't seem quite right.
Those flickers might be those of another oracle working their magic. The thought was a little creepy, thinking that our worlds might intersect at points, but there was nothing I could do about it now.
Smiling to myself, I created a small rose, its essence pulled from this dream world. It took me several minutes to mold it to my liking, its petals curled up tight as if it was going to bloom in the next day or so. I kissed it softly, laying it then on the ground.
Whispering into this sentient space, I told it, “This is for Soren, if he comes looking for me.”