Page 52 of Oracle
It chittered and squeaked back at me before barking several times. Grabbing the sleeve of my shirt, it pulled, ripping the cloth a little. Releasing me, it skittered several feet away, only to return when I didn't follow.
It wanted me to leave with it. Now. Except…
I still couldn’t see anything as human. Damn it! Undressing once more, I stacked my clothes near my feet. For what I hoped would be the last time for a while, I shifted back into my wolf form. Picking up the pile in my mouth, I grimaced at how much spit they would have on them by the time I got somewhere I would need them.
No time to worry. Footsteps rushed down the stairs towards us. There must have been a silent alarm on the door that alerted the asshole when it opened. Of course, he would have an alarm. Paranoid pig.
I darted after the blocky rat. While I would be the faster of the two of us out in the open, here in these dark hallways, it had the advantage.
We were heading away from those chasing us when my little rodent friend suddenly took a left hand turn and shot off down another corridor. Scrambling around the corner, I slid a little on the slimy stone walkway as I hurried to catch up with it.
It entered a room, running without stopping to a plank leaning up against a wall. It rushed up it and out a small window at the top, not looking back to determine if I was still following it.
I slowed down, approaching the thin wooden board with caution. I wasn’t sure if I would make it through that tiny opening at the top, but I had to try.
It barked at me; the volume increasing to a scream. Feet pounded down the hallway towards me.
Right. No time to think about consequences.
Backing up, I scrambled up, praying it wouldn't break beneath me. I almost lost my footing as I reached the window, diving through it. My head made it, but my shoulders got stuck for a moment.
Remembering at the last minute that I had a puppy size that should be able to fit through that window, I shifted. And fell face first to the ground. I had forgotten that with the heavy weight of my clothes in my mouth, my head would be dragged downwards while in my smallest form.
I tumbled several times, finally, coming to a stop while my mind continued to swirl. The capybara nudged me, and I got to my feet, weaving a little on my feet.
Someone entered the room we had just left, and I stumbled behind a bush next to the house, holding my breath while I waited for my head to stop spinning.
A loud, sharp, piercing whistle filled the air, and the capybara lifted its head and squealed. It took off for the trees in the distance, racing across an open field.
Ravens, by the hundreds, cawed above us, filling the sky while searching for us.
For me.
Exhausted and hoping I could rest soon, I grabbed my clothes and shifted into my largest wolf size. Then I ran after the giant rat, while the birds dive-bombed me. Sharp beaks pierced my coat, but my mind was only on the cover of the trees as I sprinted like the devil himself was after me.
Which he was.
Chapter Thirteen
The first beast rose out of the sand almost right beside my sister. Lexi hopped to the side before sprinting in a zig-zag motion towards the gate.
Tamerin ran in a different direction, but another creature burst out of its hiding place at his feet and grabbed his pants leg.
With my hand on Renth's neck, I reached below the planet's surface and pulled water up through the sand, directing it in a powerful stream towards the beast keeping the old man from escaping. It hit the creature in the face, causing it to release his catch as he tumbled head over heel across the ground.
Tamerin stumbled and then continued running, trying to catch up with Lexi, who was now being blocked from going forward by a wall of the predators.
Renth roared and leaped at one who was closing in on the older man from behind, while I sprinted to my sister. The lecanifer wrapped his jaws around the beast's neck just before its deadly teeth grabbed the Universa again. He pulled it away from the man and shook it, breaking its spine in the next instant. Tossing it down, he followed behind Tamerin, watching his back.
As meat was hard to find in this barren land, several from the pack converged on the body, distracted from going after us for a few moments. Food was food, and they didn't care where they got it. Didn't care. It gave us a bit of breathing room since there were still several focused on us.
I caught up with my sister and put up a protection shield before us. Grabbing her by her scruff, I urged her forward. My shield bulged out and became solid, yet transparent. Using it like a battering ram, we rushed towards our goal.
But our backs were still vulnerable, and it didn’t take long for the sand beasts to figure this out. They swerved around us and came at us from behind, while others stayed in front of us.
“I can’t hold this forever, Lexi,” I stated through gritted teeth.