Page 69 of Oracle
This caused Xotchi to still. “There are others?”
I shrugged, taking another tiny sip. “I don’t know if what I saw was her or another one like her. The images flew by me fast, like pieces of a puzzle caught swirling in tornado-caliber winds.”
“Huh.” The red dragon, impervious to the temperature of the tea, took a large gulp.
I grimaced. My tongue would have been stinging by now, given how hot the drink still was. Must be a draconian advantage that the liquid didn't burn her mouth.
Belesh shuffled back into sight, stopping at the edge of her desk. “I am sorry I ran off. I needed a moment to think. I must travel with you when you go to Earth. I have a few things I need to finish here before I can go, though. Can you wait a day or so?”
I thought about it. I could. Soren had discovered I was okay, but he didn’t know where I was. Nor was I able to communicate with him on my bond, but if necessary, I might reach him via my dreamland. I couldn't think of anything else that would cause me to rush home.
I nodded.
Belesh gave me a small smile, but it lacked any joy. She moved to her chair and started working on whatever project she was performing at the moment that she wanted to finish.
Xotchi shot me a smirk. “She will be oblivious to us for the next twenty or so hours before crashing for about four. Lucky for us, she won't need much sleep. Her people seem to run on fumes, I think.”
I smiled back at her. “You have been with her long?”
“A few months. I found her here. I am not sure when she arrived on this world, under all this rock. Above us is the worst cold, snow and ice you have ever seen. Think of the South Pole and multiply it by ten.”
I shivered, looking around. Right now, I could pretend like I was still on Earth. The air was temperate, and the light was consistent with the early dawn.
“Where else have you traveled?”
Xotchi gave me the first genuine smile since she had snatched me away from Delphi. She talked about her travels and all the worlds she had visited. I was envious. I had only gone from the coven to Apollo's home, which I don't think even qualified as a planet. Lark had been to numerous worlds, dragging Lexi with him because she wouldn’t stay on Earth without him.
Betta, having mated with a demon guardian, had been to many, as well. She could walk through gates to any place she wanted, as long as a gate existed.
And since Konner was an angel, he went wherever the hell he wanted. While I wasn’t sure what it meant in terms of my prophecies, I knew he only looked corporeal, but he was no different than an energy gate or Lark's Gate World.
Speaking of which… I reached out for him on our sibling bond while listening to Xotchi, as she made our next meal. For some reason, the darn Angel seemed a little out of reach for me. Like he was just a finger beyond my arm's length.
Huh. Perhaps that would be close enough.
Exhaling, I pushed a message to him down our bond. Not sure where I am now, but I'm okay. I am with Xotchi and we will leave for Earth soon. Time is so messed up for me.
I exhaled, squirming in my seat. Something was poking at me, making me want to get up and move. I stood, staring down at the chair. Nothing. What was bothering me? I peered around the cave, but it seemed the same as usual.
The dragon glanced up at me. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t—”
Konner popped into existence almost right in front of me, causing me to squawk in surprise, taking a step away from him and just missing tripping over the chair. Justin stood behind him, a serious look on his face.
Xotchi whirled to face him, dropping into a fighting stance. Even Belesh stared blearily towards him before her eyes opened wide.
He growled at me, going straight to the point. “Lily, Hermes is on Earth right now, looking for you. Have you messed with the gods?”
I shook my head, strands of my hair whipping around my face. “No, I didn't! But that doesn't matter to him. Konner, don't underestimate him! He will murder everyone unless I return! I will come back now, but I need some time. Maybe a day? Of course, if you can convince him to leave, that would be the best.”
That godling wasn't sane and probably wouldn't listen to reason, but it was worth a try.
Konner cocked his head, gazing back at me. “Okay, let’s first see if Artemis can convince him to go. If not, I will come to transport you back immediately. We can't have gods walking around Earth, causing trouble.”
Ignoring the others, the two disappeared.
Belesh turned to me and stared. “That was—?”