Page 72 of Oracle
“You have seen what is coming? In your visions? Show me.” He demanded, leaning forward to peer into Lily's face.
I noticed he didn't move closer to her though, even if he wanted to.
Shane appeared next to Lexi, his blade in his hand. He held it sheathed, but that could change with one swift pull of the dark hilt.
“My niece made this for me,” he stated calmly, stroking the sheath with a casual index finger.
Apollo ignored him, his eyes glued to Lily.
Shane continued. “It told me its name is God’s Bane.” He exposed an inch of the gleaming metal and, with a crackle, a blue spark flew out, heading for the god. It fell short of him by a foot.
That got the sun god's attention, as his head whipped around to stare at the knife, recognizing its power. He took several steps away from Lexi, fear filling his eyes before he snuffed it out with anger. “How dare you bring—!”
Lexi interrupted him. “Apollo, my vessel obtained an interesting skill all on her own. But I'm glad she did. Yes, that blade can kill me. But it won't, since I am an ally. But you? You who made yourself an enemy of these people? Be afraid. Perhaps one day it will bathe in your blood. It already yearns for Hermes' since he keeps causing problems.”
The winged god went pale with those words, his eyes darting around.
Artemis continued. “Go back to Delphi. As the Oracle has stated, it is not yet time for us to battle, but it will come all too soon.”
Apollo frowned, his confusion crossing his face. “But the plan wasn’t to fight. This world and that girl should be under my control because it is how it was foretold.”
Lexi shook her head. “No, you are wrong. Leave.” The goddess spat out that last word.
Konner echoed her, his voice pushing power. “Leave.”
Lily smiled, the coldness making me shiver, knowing I now was seeing my mate in her full power. She was more than she had ever been before. “Leave. Until the next time we meet.”
Lark pulled more energy from the gate, gathering it up, and directing it behind the gods. An arch formed, the center of it a blue sparkling door that acted as a vacuum, sucking the god through it and off the planet's surface. I had no idea where it had sent him, and I seriously didn't care.
James, whom I hadn’t noticed moving closer to the intruders, reached out with one arm and shoved Hermes through the arch as well. The surprised godling just stared at the dragon as he fell backwards, disappearing a second later.
The Gatekeeper closed the gate with a snap, pulling the energy away from it and directing it back into the main one.
Everyone remained frozen for one heartbeat… Two…
“Why the hell are the gods walking on Earth?” Konner exploded, whirling to stare at his sister.
Lexi sighed and fell, as if her bones had turned to liquid.
Lark leaped towards her, trying to catch her before she hit the ground, but it was Maggie who got to her first. The two women ended up in a tangle in the grass.
"Ooomph!" Maggie exhaled, as an elbow connected with her midsection.
The younger woman stared up into the omega's face, appearing dazed. Then she closed her eyes with a sigh, her face going slack.
Lark dropped to his knees next to the two women, gathering his mate into his arms.
“Will she be okay?” The anxiety in his voice caused it to crack.
Lily turned only her head to stare at him, her eyes still white. She was still the Oracle. “She will be. The goddess will watch over her.” She then spoke to Tamerin, those eyes finding him with no trouble. “You hold the book of prophecies in your hand. You must share it with the others. With me. Before it is too late.”
And then she fainted, falling backwards towards the ground.
I leaped towards her, but it was Justin—standing behind Konner—who caught her. His eyes met mine in a panic.
I pushed a bit of energy into her body as I mentally scanned her. She was alright; her levels just were lower than I liked. She had fallen into a recovery slumber, as she often did after an intense session of channeling her powers. I walked over to them and took her from him, smiling at the Berserker Protector.
“She’s okay. She just needs to rest.” I turned to glance at Lark. “Lexi also should nap. Is there a quiet room we can let them rest in?”