Page 76 of Oracle
Lexi and Lark came back into the room, their hands full of plates of food and drinks. Justin followed them.
“If she likes nature, tell her about Konner. He is Mother Earth now.” Justin chuckled.
The angel came in behind his protector, a grimace on his face. “Ugh. Why do you always mention that?”
The young Berserker scoffed. “Because it’s true?”
Holden turned and stared at my other brother, who was blushing now, underneath his low-level glow angels had.
“I forgot about that. I should let them know. If they come, could you—?” She stopped in the middle of pulling out her phone to silently ask him a question.
Konner’s face got redder, but he nodded. “If your mother wants to talk about nature and climate control, we can have a discussion.”
Justin shoved a forkful of food into his mouth before saying, “And we can show her the cave.” The words came out muffled.
Konner shook his head, the blush fading. “No talking while eating, Justin. We can take her if she requests it. And if Earth herself is okay with it.”
Holden pulled her cell from her back pocket and tapped out a text, hitting send and exhaling. “Maybe now they will get their heads out of the jungle and come back to see their grandkids.”
Xotchi sauntered into the room, a beer in her hand. “If they want a quick ride, I could go retrieve them.”
The other woman studied her a moment before opening up her phone once again and added more information.
Within a minute, her phone rang. She sighed, “Now you’ve done it.” She answered it, tapping her speaker icon.
“Holden, my dearest daughter! You found dragons?”
“Everyone can hear you, Papa; I put you on speaker. You won’t come for your granddaughters, but I mention dragons and suddenly you call?”
The voice on the other side laughed. “Well, duh. Dragons. Who doesn’t want to see them? Your mother will even come for dragons.”
A scuffle sounded on the other end of the line and then a woman asked, her tone rising with each word, “You have dragons?”
“Hello, Mama. Yes, we have dragons. Several, in fact. I am sure I mentioned them to you before. One of them even offered to come get you. But we have something even better. Give Papa the phone.”
“No! What can top dragons?”
I grinned as both James and Xotchi puffed up with that statement.
Holden waved the two Universa over. Belesh spoke first, “Well met, brother. This is Belesh, your older sister, and our sibling, Tamerin. We are here on Earth with your family members.”
Silence filled the other end of the call. When it extended to an almost uncomfortable length of time, Holden’s mother responded.
“Send the dragon. I will text you our coordinates. Your father cannot speak right now. I think he fainted. He has never done that before. But then, he thought he wouldn't see anyone in his family ever again.”
She hung up. The phone lit up with the directions, and Holden lifted it up to Xotchi to review. The woman took a picture and then glanced over at James.
“While I am sure I can bring both of them back here, why don’t you come with me? It will be more comfortable for them.”
Lark grinned from where he was sitting with Lexi. “Better still, why don’t we use a gate? Anyone who wants to go can go and they can also see the universes. Won’t your mother like that?”
Holden held her breath, staring at the Gatekeeper before nodding and rushing back into the kitchen.
Lexi poked her mate in his side with her elbow. “I think you broke her.”
I laughed, ecstatic to be home with this crazy bunch. Alemos blew a light breeze through the house, swirling it around me. He was glad I was back as well.
Shane threw up his hands. “Hell, why not just bring the entire group to go meet them?”