Page 8 of Oracle
She got up and looked down at me. “Believe me. You are going to need them to be more mature. More in their own powers. This lull is ending soon. Things will start happening. For all of us. Become your own person now, Lily, while you have the time.”
She turned and walked out of the kitchen.
I stared after her. Why would Soren think I wanted him older? And why was it important for what was happening here on Earth?
Getting up, I wandered outside, my feet taking me to the bubble of protective magic my mate had set up for us. Entering it, I sat down at the picnic table we had put in there.
Nothing came back to me, but I imagined I felt a hint of his worry for me. He always took care of me. But according to Ravenal, I leaned on him too much. And given the fact he was younger than me, the situation wasn’t good. I thought back over the five years.
My mate had walked away from his family to stay with me almost every hour of every day. He didn't see his sisters or his uncle or his foster parents unless they came here to visit the witches. He had taken time to learn witchcraft, but it had only been something he had started because he couldn’t leave me. Then he became good at it, before excelling enough that Ravenal would have trained him to become the next coven head if she thought he would want the position.
What had I done?
Regret filled me as the answer stared me in the face. I had stolen his childhood. Taking from someone without thought was something my mother would have chastised me about. Yes, I had done it in ignorance, but it didn’t mean he should forgive me for doing it.
No more.
I couldn't change the past, but I had a say in our future.
I needed to stand on my own.
Looking around the area with clear eyes, I pulled the crisp air into my lungs. Soren had stored energy here. For me. One last time.
Closing my eyes, I breathed in again, this time not only bringing in oxygen but also the chi my mate had gifted me. It filled my soul, being so clean and fresh. This was all him; that even as he left to find his own destiny, he had thought of me.
Opening them again, a smile touched my lips. My eyes landed on a piece of paper, held down by a pink quartz crystal. How had I missed this? Reaching out with one cautious hand, I picked up the quartz, holding it in one hand, while I grasped the note in another.
The crystal warmed in my palm.
If you found this, you know I have gone on a journey. Only for a short time, at least for you, but for long enough for me to experience the years I am missing. We both need this time apart, I think. Well, Ravenal agrees with me, as does Artemis.
When had he gone to consult with The Huntress? The goddess liked to stay in her cave. The only time I heard she had left was when James and Maggie had married, but if she had come here to talk to him, it must have been important.
I continued.
We are mates and we will always be mates. But this is not all that defines us. We are both lycanthropes and of this world, but we are also more. I am a witch. You are an oracle. These attributes will give us an edge. We are running towards an ending, according to what Ravenal and the other witches are sensing. Artemis is uneasy. Too many things are coming together and we need to be ready. This is one way to prepare.
My goal is to return within three Earth days.
Smiling, I placed the paper down on the table. He was right. I had to become more. It was necessary for me to stop shying away from the fact I was an oracle and be the person I was. It was time.
Pulling in more energy, I decided I needed to talk to the goddess. How should I travel to her, though?
Through the portals. They were the fastest way to get to her cave.
I understood the basics of how they worked; I just never operated one myself since Lexi always did it for me.
Freezing in place, I realized this was my life until now. Everyone did everything for me. Because they saw me as fragile. Weak. Easily broken. And I played into their perceptions.
No. No more. I can do this. Starting now.