Page 61 of Except You
“Oh yeah, I guess we could do that.”
“You sure? I don’t want you to do something you’re uncomfortable with.”
“I’m not.”
“I mean, Coop is something else. You may be changing your tune later on.”
“Doubt it. I can handle my family, I can handle your best friend.”
Beau eyeballs me and then shrugs. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“This is a really fancy place,” I say, and Beau nods. We’re standing outside of a very posh restaurant, and I immediately feel out of place.
“Coop is a trust fund kid and wants to impress you. He’s actually very down-to-earth when you get past the pompousness. Is that even a word?”
“No clue,” I murmur and then glance down at my dark jeans and button-up shirt.
“I don’t think I dressed appropriately. I’m gonna look out of place.”
“It’s fine. You look super hot.”
My cheeks flush, and I bite my bottom lip, trying to keep a smile at bay. I mean, I think I look pretty good, but it’s nice to have Beau confirm it.
“So do you, Bow-tie.” And he does look fantastic in his fitted gray chinos and a soft pink sweater.
He grins at me and loops his arm through mine, pulling me into the ritzy restaurant. When we enter, I have to squint to see through the dim lighting. There are tables everywhere and a long bar where people are seated. There’s a stage to the right that turns into a performance after hours, and I wonder if we’re going to be here long enough to see the show they put on.
Apparently, tonight is drag night.
I’ve obviously never been to one, but I am honestly so damn curious. My family has always said that kind of thing is disgusting, but I don’t know anymore.
Maybe it’s just some kind of artistic expression. Maybe it’s just something fun that makes them happy.
“Oh, I can see him already. In the VIP area,” Beau says, pulling me forward. Everyone here is dressed to the nines, and once more, I feel like I’m out of place, but Beau seems completely comfortable. Maybe that’s from having such a rich friend. Maybe you grow immune to it after a while.
When we make it to the spot that Coop is lounging in, Coop stands and pulls Beau into a hug before facing me. He’s pretty, with auburn hair and freckles across his nose. He’s wearing a white dinner jacket and tight blue pants. He’s not wearing a shirt.
“Hello there, Max. Beau has gushed about you. Literally.”
Beau snorts and throws him a glare. “I already told Max to ignore you. He’s wearing earplugs.”
Coop gasps and then peers at my ears. “He is not. You jerk.”
Beau grins and then pulls me to sit. Our asses hit a very comfortable leather sofa and Beau scoots over to sit nearly on top of me. I see the way Coop watches us and choose to ignore it.
This is just how we are. It doesn’t have to mean more.
“So, what are we having to eat? Drink? What are you going to do to try and impress my new friend?” Beau asks Coop.
Coop waves his hand around and then arches an eyebrow. “Oh, you’ll see.”
I swallow, not sure what to expect, but when a plethora of food and brightly colored drinks arrive a few minutes later, I sit back and try to play it cool.
I don’t even know what half this stuff is, the names in French or something, despite Coop explaining it to me.
But I watch them start to pick up the different appetizers and place them in their mouths. So, I copy them, pausing a few times for Beau to hold something up to my lips and telling me to take a bite.
My lips wrap around his fingers far too often, and I catch the sneaky grin that Coop sends our way.