Page 67 of Except You
And then he slouches, his hand still holding on to his limp dick.
“Why is that so good every time?”
“Um, because it’s me. We’ve had this discussion.”
He grins softly at me and then slides to the side, falling down next to me and leaving me with a mess on my chest.
I don’t mind it. Not one bit. When he’s not looking, I even push some between my lips to taste us together.
I’m dreaming. I’m a dreamer.
Sue me.
“You hungry?” Max asks, and I peer over at him, his eyes catching mine.
“I mean, I could eat our cum and be just fine.”
“God,” he chuckles. “You’re a heathen. No one wants to eat cum for breakfast.”
“I mean, I totally would. I could. I might have done it before.”
He grins at me and then stands up, that delicious ass on display. It’s the perfect bubble butt, the perfect peach.
“Stay there. I’ll get you something to wipe up with.”
He disappears into the bathroom, and I throw an arm over my eyes, trying to regain some sanity. It doesn’t work. I know that I’m not going to stop this with him. I’m gonna keep going and going until I’m finally cast aside.
Because that’s what will happen. There’s no other ending to this.
He returns with a wet washcloth and helps me wipe up. When we’re done, we dress and sit out on the porch with Doggo, who is happy to see us. We may have locked him out of our room.
Max’s room.
It’s not ours. No matter how often I sleep over. Which seems like every night at this point.
“I have something for you,” he says and then pulls out a package wrapped in brown paper from under his chair. He hands it to me, and I stare down at it.
“What is this?”
“Just something,” he replies, shrugging.
I tear the paper apart and see what it is from the picture. “A hammock?”
He nods, and I gasp, pulling the package to my chest.
“I love it. Now we need to buy you some trees.”
“I have someone coming to tell us what kind would be best.”
I nearly melt right there. He’s making plans. With me.
This guy is going to be the death of me.
“I honestly can’t wait. I’m so excited.”
He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but it is. It’s the biggest deal. He’s planning a future with me.
“I’m gonna order dinner. You hungry?” he asks, and I nod, pulling my knees up beneath me and watching as he types something out on his phone. We worked today and then Max had a therapy appointment. We were separated for ten long hours before I finally made my way back over, trying to act casual when all I wanted to do was just throw myself into his arms.