Page 64 of Sever
With hesitation, he took the Glock and tucked it back into his waistband. I turned to leave, ready to make a dash. I could hear Shawn coming back having thought I’d followed him. He called my name as Kane took my arm and swung me against his chest. Cupping my face, he kissed me deeply and with a raw passion that brought tears to my eyes. He wiped them with his thumb as they fell, his forehead against mine. It was a sorrowful kiss. One that said a final goodbye.
When he pulled away, he waited a moment, his handsome face barely illuminated as he said his final words, “Always my queen.” And then he slipped away, the darkness and shadows engulfing him.
I felt suddenly numb again, like a piece of me was cut out. Shawn took my hand and pulled me out the door into the alleyway where Samantha waited with Toby in her arms. Her cheeks were stained in mascara, still visibly shaken from the ordeal. I had a lot to make up for, but right now, my family was alive and well.
“So, I’ll see you soon?” Amanda asks, interrupting my thoughts as my mojito is placed on the bar.
“I’m not sure yet. I’ll keep you posted, though. Right now I’m enjoying working away from the office and out of country.”
“I hear you. Take care, love.”
“You, too. Oh, and thanks for everything. You’re more than just an employee to me, you know that, right?”
“Geez, that sun is getting to you. Stay in the shade a while.”
We laugh and say our goodbyes before I take a heavy sip of my cocktail.
“Hey,” I hear a familiar voice call. I turn to see Samantha walking up the sand to join me, looking ridiculously hot in her tiny bikini. “Wanna do some salsa tonight? They’ve got a beach party on at the next resort. We can have dinner and head out.”
I smile at her, seeing the forgiving person she is. When I proposed we escape New York and repair some wounds, Samantha surprised me by being all for it. She saw how much I was suffering and I could see how troubled she was, so together we made the perfect get-away.
“Actually…” she says, her whole demeanor changing, “I think I might just stay in and order room service.”
“Are you crazy? You totally sold me on the idea of going salsa dancing and now you’re—”
“I know, it’s just that…” she glances over my shoulder quickly, her behavior suddenly off, “I think you might be a little busy.”
“Doing what?”
“I thought I might find you here.” His voice is like a knife to my heart and I freeze, terrified to turn around and terrified if I don’t. I look to Samantha. She smiles and reassures me by squeezing my hand before winking and walking away.
For a moment longer, I remain frozen to the spot.
My husband takes the bar stool in front of me and with a finger under my chin, he gently tilts my face to meet his. “Hello, Blythe,” he says warmly.
“How’d you find me?” It’s all I can manage, and I know I sound like a bitch, however unintentional.
After everything that happened, I couldn’t face Shawn, for many reasons. I was wracked with my own guilt over having been with Kane, even though I’d called an end to the marriage. Because those decisions were made based on false information. The other reason was that I simply wasn’t ready to forget all that had happened.
All the lies that were told.
The images that played over in my head, associating Shawn with those girls.
A year of hurt.
It was going to take some rebuilding. And now, as my husband sits in front of me, I couldn’t be more terrified of him.
“When you suddenly disappeared, and weren’t answering my calls, I asked myself… where does my wife love traveling to the most? And the answer’s easy. Cabo.”
Maybe I didn’t want to escape him altogether? Before I realized what I’d done, I was printing off my tickets to Cabo—our honeymoon destination—and then booked the same suite we’d stayed in for our first night of marriage.
“You always had me figured out.”
He looks solemnly at me and takes my hand in his. “Until I lost sight of things.”
“We’re both guilty of that. We’ve both done things to hurt each other, intentional or not. I just… I just don’t know—”
“Blythe, you only did what you did because I pushed you there. I don’t hold you accountable for anything, not even with Kane.”
“But you should.”
“But I don’t. That man had you as his target the whole time. And when I pushed you away, I practically shoved you into his arms. So, no, I don’t blame you and I never will. The question is, can you ever forgive me?”
“Of course. I just needed time to digest, you know? That’s why I left town.”