Page 6 of The Bargain Bride
A grandmotherly type, the woman had to be at least seventy with a head of curly pale blond hair and a ready smile. Her voice was sweet with a slight southern accent that Beth found oddly comforting.
After making a few calls from her seat in the back of the plane, Alice sat next to Beth while Jared slept. Dressed in a powder blue pantsuit that matched her eyes, the woman looked like she was on her way to Bingo with friends, not traveling with a grouchy billionaire on his private jet to a shotgun wedding.
Alice turned out to be the friendliest person Beth had ever met, a steep contrast to her boss. In two short hours, she learned Alice was a widow with nine grandchildren, a painful corn on her foot, and a mild addiction to Diet Pepsi. After losing her husband three years ago, she'd gone to work for Jared rather than enjoy the condo she had in Florida.
Alice looked at him as if to make sure he was really sleeping. “Just between you and me,” she whispered. “I almost didn't take this job. I was a pity hire. Jared only offered because he felt sorry for me, and I suspect my husband asked him to look out for me if something should happen to him.”
“How did you meet him?” Beth asked. “Jared, I mean.”
“Wow, that's a story.” Alice made a face. “Give me a second. Let me get things all straight in my mind. When you get to my age, you'll find out that isn't always easy.”
Beth waited patiently.
“Okay, here goes.” Alice looked up and moved her fingers as though she was counting. “I have a twin sister, Dottie, and she lives with her son and his family. Her son had a heart attack a few years ago, and Jared saved his life. Later on, when John, that's Dottie's son, heard Jared was spending Thanksgiving eating takeout in front of the television, he wouldn't stand for it. He and his wife invited Jared to their beautiful home in Vermont, and that is how my husband and I first met him.”
“Why did you change your mind about the job?”
Alice's expression softened as she gazed across the aisle at Jared. “He's a good boy and just needs someone to look after him. I've told him a thousand times. He needs to find a good woman and settle down.” Alice’s eyes narrowed on Beth's face. “But I want him to marry a woman he loves, not a gold-digger looking for an easy payday.”
Beth swallowed, instantly uncomfortable. “I am not a—”
“Of course you are, my dear. I never heard a peep about you, and now he's marrying you? And look at you, already wearing a wedding dress. Have you no shame?” Alice wagged a finger in her face like a schoolteacher scolding a naughty child. “If you do anything to hurt him, I will make you wish you were never born. I might be old, but I have connections. Dangerous ones. You do not want to mess with me.”
Beth believed her.
A smug smile stretched the woman's mouth. “Have you heard of the Mafia, my dear?”
Beth nodded slowly, unsure at the turn in conversation.
“Good. I suggest you rethink your plans and let him down easy. Tell him you don't want to get married right now. Or tell him you're a hooker. Whatever works.”
Beth's jaw dropped.
Tired of people pushing her around, she decided to tell the PA everything, whether Jared wanted the woman to know or not. “I don't want to marry him. For your information, I was supposed to marry his brother, Simon, but Jared is a control freak. When a problem comes up, his first inclination is to bully it into submission. So, if you can put a stop to this ridiculous charade, do it. You'll have my undying gratitude.”
Alice's mouth opened, but not a word emerged.
In fact, the woman was abnormally quiet until their plane landed in Vegas and Jared woke up. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head, clueless as to what had transpired during his nap. Before he could do more than blink, Alice stood, hands on hips, and demanded to know what was going on.
“Why are you marrying this young woman?” When he didn't answer right away, Alice said, “I haven't heard her name come out of your mouth until today. She obviously isn't the great love of your life. I know she was supposed to marry your brother. Is this some weird sibling rivalry thing?”
Jared glared at Beth before returning his attention to his PA. “I love you like family, Alice, but this is none of your business. Just stick to your job.”
Alice's hands went to her hips. “Part of my job is taking care of you. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't sleep or eat or do anything other than work. You probably wouldn't even be alive.”
“Don't be so dramatic.” He lifted a finger, ready to make a point. “Taking care of me was not one of your original duties. That's something you decided to add without my consent, and I've told you a million times I'm a grown-ass man. I can take care of myself.”
Alice huffed. “You can, but you don't, and do not curse at me, mister. You know how I feel about salty language.”
He rolled his eyes before turning on Beth. “What have you been saying to her?”
Lifting her chin defiantly, Beth said, “I'm sorry. Was I not supposed to mention how you blackmailed me into marrying you? This is my first kidnapping. I don't know the proper etiquette for the situation.”
“Kidnapping?” His eyebrows shot up over widening eyes. “Seriously? And blackmail? I did nothing of the kind. I simply made you an offer you were smart enough to accept. Don't get dumb now.”
She folded her arms. “You told me if I didn't marry you, you would sell off the only home I've ever known and leave me penniless.”
Alice gasped. “You did not. Tell me you didn't do that.”