Page 4 of On Twisting Tides
“Danger?” I stood up, trying to keep my shaky voice even, despite the fact that a tide of emotion was welling up within me. “This is about keeping me safe?”
“Yes.” Milo looked away, scratching his head and ruffling his wet hair. “I mean no. I mean—Yes, of course I want to keep you safe. I wasn’t intending to keep that from you. But I know Cordelia, and I wanted to see what game she’s playing now before I let her get to you. Think about everything she’s done.”
“So you thought you’d just take it home and read it without me? Then you’d decide if I could handle it?” My voice cracked.
“No, not exactly…” Milo grimaced, turning his head as though trying to shake off something. “I don’t know what I planned to do. It was just my first reaction. My first reaction is always to protect you.” He paced the floor as he spoke, his words coming faster with each thought, until finally, he stopped and looked back at me. “I should’ve told you about it immediately…and…and I’m sorry.”
I wanted to be angry with him. And I was. But I also remembered what happened the last time I didn’t trust him and jumped to conclusions. When I thought he’d murdered an innocent girl, and the truth couldn’t have been further. But still, this was different.
“You don’t need to protect me,” I finally said. “Especially if it means lying to me or keeping things from me. Haven’t we been through enough for you to realize sometimes I have to fight my own battles?”
“I know, I know,” he sighed, sitting down next to me on the bed. “I’m just a bit worried that tracking down Cordelia hasn’t been good for you. You’re nervous all the time. You can’t stop talking about it. You want to find her so badly. And I understand. But if I’m being honest, I’m a little afraid of what will happen if you find her.”
“Just because you’re afraid for me, doesn’t mean you can keep things from me like this.” I glanced down at the envelope.
“I was going to tell you…” He looked down, his damp hair falling across his forehead. “I just didn’t know how or when. I panicked.”
“If it was on my door, it wasn’t for you to decide,” I uttered.
“I’m sorry, Katrina. I acknowledge that I didn’t handle this correctly. I promise I won’t be so foolish next time.” He leaned toward me, desperation in his voice.
A long sigh escaped my lips, as I pressed my gaze into his. “Weren’t you the one who told me ‘You probably shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep?’”
He blinked in response and looked down at his hands.
“I’m trying to undo a lifetime of lying, cheating, and deceit. And I’m sorry that I’ve already faltered with the one I care about most.” He paused, staring directly past me at the compass hanging from the bed frame. “I always admired the way my father loved my mother, but it was such a different time. He was able to protect her from everything but the complications that took her. She died while pregnant with my brother. I wasn’t there, but I know he would’ve saved her if he could.” He paused, blinking as if in thought. “How do you love someone and let them risk themselves at the same time?”
“You trust them,” I said firmly, “Now it’s your turn to trust me. Trust that I know what I’m doing. I solved Cordelia’s curse. I can handle whatever else she thinks she can do to me.” I spoke with confidence in my voice, but inwardly I was still trying to convince myself as much as him.
There was an awkward silence between us. I didn’t know what else to say. I still felt flustered by his decision to take the letter that was meant for me. But my desire to know what the envelope contained overpowered my twisting emotions.
“Let’s just open this thing,” I said, tearing the paper. “No sense worrying about it when we don’t even know what it says.”
My desperate eyes scanned the letter, absorbing every word.
Dearest Katrina,
I hope you’ve enjoyed the holidays. Now that my schedule has freed up a bit, I’d love to meet with you. I have a very special commission of high importance that I’m certain is only suitable for someone with your abilities. I’m inviting you to my private business dinner at the Tesoro Del Mar so that we can discuss the details. The time and place are below. Formal dress. I look forward to meeting you in person.
“Seven o’clock, January 3rd,” I uttered, reading the details below the message. “I wonder if this invitation is good for two?” I looked up at Milo.
He tilted his head, making his hair fall in front of his eyes in a way that never failed to make me melt, regardless of what else I was feeling. “You want me there?”
“I do,” I said inching closer to him. “I always do.”
He kissed my forehead. “I’ll be by your side whenever you need me.”
“That’s all I need.” I sighed, resting my head against his shoulder. The sound of fireworks outside continued, muffled through the walls.
“Want to go watch some more? I bet we can still see the amateur fireworks on the beach from the top,” I said.
“You go ahead,” he whispered. “I’m feeling a bit tired.”
“You? Tired?” I raised my eyebrows and stood back with crossed arms.
“I’m making up for 300 years of no sleep.” He laughed, but something about his voice sounded lifeless, as though the air could barely carry it to my ears without it slipping away.