Page 8 of On Twisting Tides
She stepped back, holding her stern gaze on me, clenching her fists. “I was shown the cruelty of man without restraint. I’ve watched mankind destroy this earth, but he has never been able to tame the sea, try as he might. And it’s time the sea washes away these sins once and for all.”
“You’re playing God,” I swallowed, letting the seriousness of her words sink to my stomach.
“I’m no longer playing, dear.” She grinned. “And I want you to join the game. Help me do this. Help me get the trident once we find the scale. You’re the only one of us who can reach it. We’ll rebuild this world together. You can help me decide who is worthy to survive.”
“Like you decided my mom and her mom weren’t worthy to survive? Like how you plagued them? What about Marina? Whatever happened to her?” I slapped down the list of names I’d brought onto the table, each with their death years written plainly beside them. “You killed every single one of them with your curse. You tortured us with dreams, Cordelia. Until the torture became too much for them to bear. You are in absolutely no position to judge mankind.”
Cordelia’s eyes scanned the names in a split second of silence.
Lydia Gatlin - 2003
Nelda Gatlin Harrows - 1971
Esther Graves - 1952
Alma Whitlock - 1922
Edith Barnes- 1900
Martha James Shores - 1874
Sarah Shores - 1840
Marina Samuels - 1819
For a moment she seemed speechless, her lip quivering before she hardened her features again. “I did what I had to do to ensure justice was executed to those who deserved it. Sometimes justice requires sacrifice. Besides, if I hadn’t, you all might’ve lived a few hundred years too long, and that would’ve attracted a bit too much attention, don’t you think?”
“You let your entire family suffer just so you could get even with your ex-lover.”
“He emptied the sea of my kind!” she cried.
“And you helped him do it!” I screamed. “And your guilt has consumed you. But you won’t admit to that part!”
She didn’t respond, only held her position, drilling into me with her gaze.
“Cordelia,” I uttered. “Destroying half of mankind isn’t going to bring the mermaids back. I’m not helping you do this.”
“Suit yourself, angel.” She stepped backward. “But whether you help me or not, I will get what I need. I’ve spent my time on land wisely. I have many connections. I’ve built my own empire already. I’ll find the scale. And then the trident. I may have lost my tail, but I still have power. In many forms.” She rubbed her fingers together, signifying her strength in wealth.
I couldn’t find the words to say, so I only sat, shaking my head in disbelief while staring into her topaz eyes.
“Go on, Katrina. Refuse me.” She nodded towards the door. “Go back to the man waiting outside for you. Perhaps once you see how filthy his soul really is, you’ll reconsider my offer. But in the meantime, I won’t wait for you. You’ll see that I’m right. You may think you’re upholding some sort of moral righteousness, but just remember at the end of it all, you’re just as soulless as me.”
Long Shot
Iwatched the harbor, looking out at the great yachts docked there as the last bit of the fiery orange from the sunset bled out from the water’s surface. Two more minutes and it would be a full hour. I couldn’t stand it anymore. Not when I knew who Katrina was up against. Alone.
Cordelia was cold. She was manipulative and could demand anything she wanted with a simple melody from that voice of hers. But she never forced Valdez to love her. She would never have accepted a false love. I suppose that was her one redeeming feature, though it probably would’ve saved us all a lot of heartache if she did.
The longer I resurrected my memories of her conniving, dangerous nature, the more impatient I grew. I didn’t know what she could do after all this time. Or what she would do. And if Katrina didn’t return in one more minute…
Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven…
I turned to walk toward the entrance. I had to make sure she was safe. I’d probably already waited too long. With steps forceful and quick, I trudged through the gate entrance where we’d come earlier.