Page 14 of The Samaritan
“I got him for two more years, Kase.” It was pure shit luck. He was the only man in their family who had chosen not to join the club on his eighteenth birthday. His son wouldn’t follow in his footsteps. He’d follow in his uncle’s.
Kase grinned. “Yeah, and I get him at eighteen.”
He wouldn’t choose the club life for Trevor, but he also wouldn’t stand in his way. Caden held out hope Trevor would change his mind and go to college. But he had to choose his own path, and if it meant becoming a member, then Caden would support him.
“You need help moving, just reach out.”
Kase glanced over his shoulder. “We’re moving in a few weeks. Could use some extra hands.”
“I’ll be there.”
A firm handshake and another hug and Kase was on his way. Caden locked up for the night. He was tempted to make a call and have some company, but his desire for sleep outweighed kicking out some chick after getting laid. He had no patience to deal with a woman trying to cuddle up next to him after they fucked. He gave up on finding a forever woman years ago.
He made his way upstairs, taking a peek into his old man’s room before locking him up for the night. It wasn’t safe, but it kept him in the fucking house. The last thing he needed was another call for a fucking rescue tonight.
Caden pulled off his shirt and swiveled his neck, cracking the joints. So fucking tense. He didn’t bother with anything but lights out and falling into bed. He couldn’t shake the pressure in his chest.
“Should have fucking offered her to stay here.”
He pressed his palms into his eyes. There were too many reasons why he didn’t, yet he couldn’t let it go. He dropped his hand to his stomach and tucked his arm under the back of his head. Staring up at the cracked ceiling, he could almost see her face. Tiny upturned nose with light freckles and rosy cheeks. And her mouth. He closed his eyes and resisted the urge to lower his hand down to his cock.
He was just drifting off when the phone rang.
“Fuck me.”
Trevor was staying at a friend’s tonight. Not answering wasn’t an option. He reached over, grabbed his phone, and answered without looking.
“Why the fuck did you send tits and ass to the lodge?” Kase’s voice was calm but obviously riddled with confusion in his tone.
Caden lurched up from the bed. “What are you talking about?”
“Gassed up across the street, and I’m staring at her blue piece of shit.” Kase heaved a breath, most likely a drag from his smoke. “Not usually concerned about the welfare of a bitch I don’t know, but seeing as how Colleen did Pop a favor, I’m thinking you coulda put her up instead of sending her there.”
“Fuck!” Caden shouted, pounding through his room. “I didn’t fucking send her there. I didn’t even mention it ’cause I didn’t want her staying there. Shit!” He grabbed his jacket from the chair and was lacing his boots. “Stay there, Kase. Until I get there.”
“On it. But hurry the fuck up.”
Caden yanked on his shirt and rushed through the halls. He unlocked his dad’s door but kept it closed. He’d have one of the guys staying in the units watch the house while he was gone.
Chapter Three
She was stripped down to her tank top and panties, huddled on the bed with the television on mute. Her eyes scanned the room. Could she have chosen a seedier motel? Probably not. This place should have been condemned in the late nineties. This was possibly the worst motel she’d ever stayed in. She laughed and drew in a deep breath.
It all made sense now.
She was pleasantly surprised when the clerk said it was thirty-five dollars a night. Her budget was for sixty, which left her in the black. As soon as she opened the door, she understood why it was so cheap. The carpet was stained and disintegrating in one section of the room. The walls had an awful orange and green wallpaper peeling from the ceiling. And the smell? Vomit or urine? Or a disgusting combination.
It was just for a night, she reminded herself, and settled herself down on the mattress.
The second she heard the ring, her shoulders sagged, and she pouted. The phone continued to sound off as she mentally calculated how long it had been since she answered the call. Yes, the call, as in one. There was only one person who ever called. She glanced over at the nightstand, the ping, notifying her it had been sent to voicemail. It was only a two-second reprieve before it rang again.
She fell onto the mattress and crawled to the phone, answering it.
“Where the fuck have you been? Do you even listen to my voicemails? You don’t, do you? In what world do you live in, you don’t think when someone calls you, oh I don’t know, thirty thousand friggin’ times, maybe you should call her back?”