Page 19 of The Samaritan
For the first time in the last three days, he smiled. He’d spent so many days at the park with Trevor. However, he was the complete opposite of these women. He actually interacted with his kid. Slide, swings, you fucking name it, and Caden was there. Those women had nothing on him.
The light turned green, and he rolled his motorcycle across the intersection, taking one more look. It brought back memories. It was hard to believe his kid was sixteen.
He scanned the edge of the park. The benches were all vacant except for one.
What the fuck? He passed by, not even glancing at the road ahead. His gaze was locked on the farthest bench, closest to the exit. Alone, sitting cross-legged, was a woman. A familiar woman. Even with her baseball hat tugged low, he knew it was her.
He quickly veered off to the side of the road and did a quick check before doing a U-turn and heading back to the park.
He pulled up next to the entrance and parked, shutting down his engine. Her back was to him, and she hadn’t moved. It wasn’t uncommon for people to sit in the park, but most of them were with children, or they were reading or on their phones. Not her. She sat watching the little kids on the jungle gym.
He stalked through the gates. His eyes were set on her in disbelief. What the hell was she doing here? Had she stayed in Turnersville for the last three days? Impossible. He’d passed by the hotel with no sighting of her car, and the town wasn’t big enough to not run into her. Especially considering she was obviously out and about. Marissa was only a few feet away, but he didn’t slow down until he was next to the bench.
The tension in his neck tightened, and his blood rushed to his head. All because a woman, a mere stranger, was sitting in the park. No, his park, in his town, and he didn’t know. Caden had spent the last three days trying to rid her from his mind, and here she was, sitting right in front of him. His heart blasted against his chest. What the fuck?
He waited a brief second. She had to know he was standing there. She had to sense it. If she did, she didn’t bother looking up, which pissed him off.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
No flinching. No shake of surprise. Nothing.
She slowly turned her head. Not the response he was expecting. Her eyes squinted from the sun against his back, and her mouth curved into a small smile. “Hi, Caden.”
Hi, Caden? What the hell? He practically yelled at her, and she was greeting him as though they were old friends?
“What are you doing?”
She blinked. “Sitting in the park.”
He clenched his teeth and lifted his chin.
“Fuck me, don’t get smart, not in the mood for crazy right now, especially your kind.” He scanned her view. Straight ahead were kids, mostly toddlers running around and climbing everywhere, being ignored by their chatting moms. Nothing overly interesting, so why the hell was she here?
He shifted his gaze back onto her and scowled. “Answer me.”
The sun was directly in her eyes, and she lifted her hand, cupping the rim of her hat. “I’m sitting in the park.”
He lifted his brows. “Watching kids?”
“Yeah.” She smiled, and it went straight to his chest. A small tingling heat in his beating heart.
She shrugged with a wide grin. “Why not?”
“Oh, fuck me, you are a fucking lunatic.” Caden caught the sharp gasp from a woman passing by with a stroller. She glared with a sneer as she gazed at his attire. Fuck you, lady.
Marissa chuckled, gaining his attention. “Do you wanna sit down?”
Yes! There wasn’t anything more he wanted to do than sit down next to Fruity Fucking Pebbles. Hell, he was feeling it at the zipper of his jeans. What the hell was wrong with him? He had to stop himself from moving forward, but she peered up with her big bright eyes, waiting. Just positioned the way they were, with him up above and her gazing up, was having his mind wander. A whole different scenario was popping into his head, and neither one of them was clothed. The sound of his own breath drummed in his ears.
“I can scoot over?”
He jerked his head, tearing his gaze away from her and her enticing offer. It was the only thing to keep him from taking the seat next to her. Fuck!
“Thought you were leaving?”
She shrugged. “I decided to stay a little longer.” She smiled. “I was actually going to head out this morning, but something is up with my car. When I tried the engine, it kept turning over. The mechanic said he’d probably get to it by this afternoon, so I just walked over to the park.” She squinted from the sun beaming in her eyes. “It’s pretty here.”