Page 37 of The Samaritan
“They say shit to you?” There was a sharp edge in his tone.
She shook her head. “No. They smiled and waved. Nobody bothered me.”
“You tell me if they do.” It was a direct order. He turned to Trevor. “Go now.” Another order.
She’d been staring at Caden, and when Trevor touched her leg, she jumped. He chuckled and winked. “See ya later, Riss.”
“Have a good day at school and drive safe, okay?”
Both Trevor and Caden glanced over at her with the same strange look. Had no one ever wished him a good day at school? She smiled, but only Trevor returned the gesture.
He nodded, obviously amused. “I’ll drive safe, I promise.”
She watched him shuffle down the path and around the corner. When she drew ger gaze back to Caden, he was staring at her again.
“He likes you.”
Three small words did something to her. Her chest rose, and her heart seemed to skip a beat.
“I like him too. He’s sweet.” She giggled for no reason except her next thought. “He makes me laugh.”
Caden snorted and jerked his chin slightly. “Yeah, he’s good like that.”
She rattled her mind to say something else, anything else to keep the conversation going. She wasn’t quick enough, though. His phone rang, and Caden immediately answered it. He walked past her porch, keeping his gaze on the ground.
She dropped her legs to the wood deck and grasped her mug. Without her car, her options for doing much were limited. His property was surrounded by woods, and she considered a hike to pass the time. It was evident from Caden’s lack of interest with her he wouldn’t be filling her time. That sucks. Marissa had thought he might stop by after Friday night, but he hadn’t. She stood and turned but halted when she heard her name.
She spun around to see Caden about ten feet away, holding the phone down by his side.
“Anyone bothers you? You tell me.”
Her stomach swirled. She was struck with a memory. It was odd since Caden was nothing like her father, but at the moment, he reminded her so much of her dad. Her father had always been a protector to her and her mom. A physical ache burned deep in her chest. I miss that. I miss him.
“I will.”
He stared at her a second longer and then turned and walked to the office. She watched until he went inside.
“I told you Thursday.” Caden cupped his hands over his eyes, squeezing to the point of pain. Fucking morons. He barely had the brain space to deal with this fucking idiot.
“I know, but I’m not sure I can make it till the night. It’s a long haul, what’d ya want me to do?”
“I want you to drive your sorry ass through the night and get here by noon, you hear me?”
“I got the weigh station.”
“Cal, I’m gonna say this real slow so even you can fucking understand it. You will be here by noon on Thursday, because if you’re not? Kase and five of his closest friends will slice your ass up and serve your dick as a main entree to your fucking wife, you got me?”
The heavy sigh on the other line was proof enough. “Yeah, Thursday at noon.”
Caden didn’t even bother with a goodbye. He ended the call and tossed his phone on the desk, dropping into his seat and dragging his hands over his face. “Fucking morons.”
The new partnership he’d struck up with Kase and the club would be beneficial in getting him out of debt, but he was still working out the kinks of the deal. He and his drivers were accustomed to full access of his fleet of trucks. If a delivery took longer than anticipated, it was no big deal. But now, with the club using the trucks, every minute had to be accounted for.
As partners, for the first time in his life he was answering to others when it came to his business, and it bothered the fuck out of him. His pride took a hit, knowing without this deal his company would have folded.
Caden dragged his hands through his hair. “Fuck.”