Page 42 of The Samaritan
She glanced up and saw Trevor approaching. His smile spread across his face, and his eyes seemed to sparkle. He was handsome just like Caden but had a certain innocence that Caden and most adults lacked. She folded her arms in front of her chest, and his eyes immediately darted to her breasts.
He smirked. “What’s going on?”
He stopped in front of her, still smiling until his gaze trailed down her body and his eyebrows furrowed. His smile faded. “What happened?”
She followed his gaze to her legs. Her knees were scraped, and small bubbled blood dots lined them. It had been a hard fall, but until now, she hadn’t realized she was bleeding. “I fell.”
“Yeah, I see. You want some peroxide and Band-Aids or something? I can run back to the house.” Concern. I miss this.
“No, thank you, I’m fine.”
“It looks bad, Riss.” His brows furrowed, glancing down at her legs. “You should clean it out.”
She smiled at his concern. “It probably looks worse than it feels.”
He raised his brows. “Really, ’cause it looks pretty bad.”
She backed up the steps and grabbed the door handle. “I’m okay. Bye, Trevor.” She slid through the door and set the lock in place.
She wasn’t sure what affected her the most. Her knees, Trevor’s concern, or Caden leaving her alone.
Caden grabbed his leather jacket from the ratty old chair in the corner of his room. The chair had been a hand-me-down from Kase’s room when he moved out. He could only imagine all the shit that happened on the it—he really needed to burn it. He held the phone to his ear as he pushed one arm through his jacket.
“Drake is just about done with the cages. Thinks it’ll work out for you guys. When can ya come by and check it out?
“Tomorrow. We got a lot of members moving soon, so better we get it done now. You’re still coming next Saturday, right?”
It wasn’t often Kase asked for his help, even when he offered it, but his tone told Caden his older brother needed him.
“Yeah, I got Drake and Trev coming with me, so hide the whores, asshole.”
Kase laughed, “Gotta break the boy in some time, Cade.”
“Not at sixteen, dick.”
“Cade, man, you forget what it’s like to be sixteen.”
When Cade didn’t answer, Kase sighed. “Fine, I’ll keep the club whores away.” He paused. “From the kid. You and Drake are welcome to help yourself. Appreciate this, man.”
Caden didn’t respond. He passed down the hall and snuck a look into his dad’s room. Fast asleep on his bed.
He wasn’t interested in any of Kase’s girls. He’d been to the club quite a few times and had been offered their services and turned them down. If he wanted do get laid, there were a few women he could call on. Kase’s club girls weren’t his thing. But banging Marissa in a trailer and leaving her is?
He squeezed his eyes closed, trying to rid her from his mind. He’d been such a dick he almost didn’t recognize himself. He hadn’t intended on leaving her, but with Drake’s intrusion, he had no choice.
He quickly changed the subject. “You gonna put us up?”
Kase barked out a laugh. “Least we can fucking do, seeing how we’re gonna make you work your asses off. Might even fucking feed ya too. You bringing a truck for us?”
Caden gritted his teeth. He hadn’t fully gotten used to the idea of them being partners just yet.
“Yeah, will do.” He walked down the stairs. “Later.”
“Later, man.”