Page 45 of The Samaritan
He pushed off the mattress and straightened his back, standing up. He expected her to pull her hand away, but instead, it lingered down his chest as he rose and rested on the waist of his jeans. Her finger hooked into a belt loop and tugged him forward. She didn’t have the strength to pull his body over hers again unless he went along willingly. Fuck, she was making it impossible to leave.
“Probably got seconds before Trev comes storming in here to see what’s taking so long.” Caden chuckled at her response. She dropped her hand and swung her head toward the door while grappling with the top of her towel.
“Riss?” he whispered.
She glanced up, and he noticed the blush over her cheeks. He leaned down, cupping her jaw and pulling her in for a quick kiss. His lips skittered over hers, smooth and light.
“Get dressed and let me feed ya, yeah?”
He missed the feel of her lips, but her grin was contagious. He kissed her again and pulled away, this time stepping out of her reach. If she kept touching him, they’d never leave the room.
He stopped at the door, glancing over his shoulder and waiting a few seconds. It had been a long time since a woman had made him feel anything, but his belly stirred and his heart pumped just watching her fiddle with her fingers seated on her bed. He straightened, walked to the door, and opened it to find his son.
“She’ll be over after she gets dressed.” He walked back toward the house with Trevor at his side.
“Wait, was she naked?”
Caden sighed and angled his head to his son. “No.”
His face fell, and Caden resisted the urge to smile. Trevor looked disappointed. “Oh.”
They made their way into the house, and Caden went to the kitchen. He’d give her fifteen minutes, and if she didn’t show, he’d go get her. Like it or not, she was having dinner with them tonight. He liked the idea too much.
Chapter Eight
The dinner went pretty much as it had gone the other night. Trevor did most of the talking, and she didn’t mind. Kids had such enthusiasm when they spoke of their world. Untouched and not jaded by the real world. Trevor’s world consisted of his truck, football, the Ghosttown Riders, and currently, staring at her boobs.
She sat at the beat up old wooden table. Her gaze followed Trevor as he darted around the room, getting condiments from the fridge, plates from the cabinet, and utensils from the drawers. There were even placemats, which struck her as odd. The house full of men seemed so domesticated.
“It was fucking hilarious,” Trevor said. She must have been in a daze because she couldn’t remember what he was saying.
“Trev, I gotta tell you again about your mouth. You’ll spend the weekend removing my boot from your ass.”
She flattened her lips to keep from smiling. Caden scolding Trevor when every other word out of his mouth was fuck was ironic.
Caden put the plate in the center of the table and took a seat across from her. He looked up, and he raised his brows. “Go ahead.”
“Yeah, ladies first,” Trevor chimed in. He hovered over the table, waiting on her. He must have been hungry because the second after she picked up a burger, he reached out and grabbed one.
“Pop!” Caden shouted but never looked up from the table. She watched him take his food and caught the way both Caden and Trevor prepped their burgers. Eyeing both plates, she realized they used the same stuff on them and stacked them the same way, everything synchronized. Of course, Trevor started his first, barely taking a breath before inhaling half the burger in one bite. He must have felt her stare. He glanced at her.
“Not hungry?” She could barely understand what he was saying with a mouth full of food.
She didn’t answer and lowered her chin, trying to conceal her smile. Boys.
The footsteps from behind her were loud and fumbled. “Company, huh?” She recognized his voice and turned her head. Jack was walking in and eyeing her with a glare. It was a far cry from how he’d greeted her in the past. He yanked out the chair beside her, and the feet scraped the floor in a loud screech. He sat down, grabbing his burger. There wasn’t much precision in the way he did it, not like Caden or Trevor.
The three men sat silently eating and not bothering to look at her. It was very strange. Or maybe it was just her. By the time they were on their seconds, she’d only eaten half of hers and was wiping her mouth.
“How come you’re not eating? You don’t like it?”
“No, I do.” She pursed her lips. “It’s very good.”
Trevor winked, making her smile. Only sixteen, and he was quite the little charmer. “It’s Dad’s specialty.”
“Ground beef ain’t no specialty, boy. Filet mignon, now that’s a specialty, and he ain’t serving that.”
Caden sighed, resting his hands on the table and scowling at his father. “Got no problem you bringing home seventy-dollar meat, Pop. You want it, you got the money for it, fuck bring it home and you’re welcome to feed your own ass.”