Page 63 of The Samaritan
Time to pack up and get out.
Caden had waited longer than he wanted. The guys stayed later than he expected. Kase seemed particularly interested in Trevor going on about Marissa. The kid was hooked by her. At first, he thought it was a mere MILF infatuation, but the way he spoke about her and how his tone changed. There was something else. He was fairly vague about what they talked about. Most likely because she barely spoke. Given Trevor’s fondness for dominating a conversation, there was no doubt Marissa spent most of the night listening.
Caden watched as Kase took a sip of beer. He was listening to every word Trevor had to say as if he was taking stock and making a mental note. He understood his brother’s suspicions. Didn’t mean he liked it. Marissa was his business, not Kase’s or the club’s. Gage’s nonchalant interrogation of her had put Marissa on edge, which set Caden on high alert. It also brought to light information Caden hadn’t been privy to. He understood the motive behind it. Kase wanted intel on her and was sending his guys to get it. It was well played on Gage’s part.
When Trevor took a breather from talking, Gage chimed in. “Sounds like she’s good people, huh?”
“Yeah, she’s great.”
Gage snorted, lifting his beer to his lips. “She’s fucking hot too.”
Caden scowled and aimed his glare in Gage’s direction. It was a fair assessment of Marissa. He’d be an idiot to think the other men, especially Gage, who was single, wouldn’t take notice of her beauty. Saying anything at the moment would give Kase exactly what he wanted. Caden remained tight lipped. Trevor did not.
“Yeah, she is.” He paused, and Caden glanced over at his son, who was staring at Gage. “And she’s with my dad.”
Caden bit back his laugh and watched Gage smirk. He held up his hands. “Just an observation, Trev.”
It was a strange view to have on Trevor. He caught the territorial tone in his voice. Kase cleared his throat, gaining the group’s attention, including Trevor.
“You got the game coming up?”
Trevor grinned. “Yeah, you coming?”
Kase sighed. “Got a run.”
For as much as Kase was a hardass, he’d been there for Trevor since he was a baby. He showed up at small shit and big games. Caden didn’t doubt if Kase could have been there, he would have. There were two things Kase excelled at—being the president of the Ghosttown Riders and being an uncle.
“We’ll be there, man,” Trax said.
Trevor turned to him. “Yeah?”
Rourke snorted. “Fuck yeah, man. Got Macy all over my ass wanting to come see ya play with your old man bragging about it.”
Caden smiled and stared down at his feet. This was the club life. Even though he wasn’t a member, being Kase’s brother had intertwined his life with the Ghosttown Riders, along with Trevor. They had taken them on as their own. If anything would have swayed his decision to join, it would have been the unity and the brotherhood.
“Sweet.” Trevor glanced up at Trax and smirked. “Chey coming too?”
Trax laughed and shook his head. “Ya just got all fucking territorial over Riss with Gage, and now you’re asking if my old lady is coming to see you play.” Trax snorted. “Gonna remember this shit when ya prospect, Trev.”
Caden laughed along with the group.
Kase and the guys stayed past eleven before taking off for Ghosttown. Trevor was cleaning up his plate when Caden walked into the kitchen after seeing Kase off. He folded his arms and smirked.
“You just ate a few hours ago.”
“Yeah and?”
“Christ, Trevor, gonna go poor feeding your ass.”
Trevor chuckled through his yawn. He dropped the dishrag in the sink and stretched his arms over his head. Another year of growing and his son would be the same size as him at six one. Hard to believe in two years he’d be out on his own.
“I’m going up.” He rounded the table and slapped his dad softly on the back before passing him.
Caden glanced over his shoulder. “What was she doing?”
Trevor furrowed his brows. “Who, Marissa? Ya mean in the park?”