Page 65 of The Samaritan
“Yeah, there is.” He gritted his teeth.
“Cade, it’s late,” she whispered.
He narrowed his eyes. “You too good for an apology now?”
She glanced up through her lashes.
“No, I accept your apology if that’s why you’re here, and I forgive you.” Her face softened. It couldn’t be that easy, but from all the signs she was giving, it was. He moved forward, and she stepped back in sync. He closed the door behind him.
She stood in the center of the small living room with her hands clasped in front of her. He couldn’t read her expression, but it certainly lacked the desire he’d grown accustomed to seeing in her eyes.
“Why you standing all the way over there?”
“Because there isn’t a reason to come over there.” She pointed at him. “You apologized, I accepted, it’s done. Only thing left is to pay you for the repairs and be on my way.”
Caden snarled. “Fuck.” He wanted to punch his fist through the wall. He didn’t think his apology would be easy, but he also didn’t think it would end what they had even before they really got started. He jerked his gaze to her. “Never make mistakes, Riss. Christ, are you fucking perfect?” he shouted, unable to hold back his anger. He curled his lip but was struck by the changing of her face. She went from emotionless to on the verge of tears.
“I make mistakes.” Her bottom lip quivered. “Lots of them.” When her eyes welled, he inched forward, but she turned to the side and lowered her head. “I appreciate you letting me stay, but Cade, I was never staying long term.” She peered up through her lashes. “Just passing through, remember? I think it’s time I moved on.”
He tightened his lips and inhaled a deep breath through his nose. Those were the last words he wanted to hear. He needed to fix this with her; he just didn’t know how. His heart was beating rapidly.
“What if I asked you to stay?”
“It’s better if I just go.” She shook her head and closed her eyes. She wouldn’t even look at him. He didn’t know who made him angrier. Himself for fucking it up or her for leaving. He balled his fists and scowled. It didn’t matter who was at fault, it was over. Fuck!
“Then we’re fucking done here. You owe me eighty-five dollars. Leave it in the box by the office. Make sure you take all your shit when you go.” He turned with his blood boiling inside his veins.
“Thanks for everything, Cade. I really do appreciate it. And being around your family.”
He marched down her stairs and through his yard back to his house without even giving a second glance at her. He didn’t trust himself not to beg her to stay.
Chapter Twelve
Marissa sat on the couch for hours after Caden stormed away. The small space had become home to her, and she wasn’t quite ready to leave. Or maybe it had nothing to do with the apartment and everything to do with the people here.
Her phone rang, and she eyed the time. 2:07am. It seemed a bit late for telemarketers. She pushed off the couch, walking to the counter where her phone lay. She snorted and shook her head.
She answered.
“Shouldn’t you be sleeping after pushing a human out of your body less than twelve hours ago?”
“Fucking breastfeeding is complete bullshit. They woke me up, and now I can’t get back to sleep,” Janelle said with an annoyed edge to her tone.
Janelle scoffed. “This is it. I’m not doing this shit again.”
Marissa settled on the couch, tucking her feet underneath her butt.
“Where are you?’
“Still? Are you settling in for a bit?”
“Leaving tomorrow.” Marissa sighed. “You gonna send me a picture of her?”
“Fuck no, ya wanna see her, you come here. You promised you would.”