Page 67 of The Samaritan
“You hear from Wayne?”
Caden entered his password and pulled up the spreadsheet. “No.”
Grady sighed, and Caden knew exactly what it meant. Three months ago, the old guy had practically begged him to give his nephew a job hauling trucks. Wayne had just gotten out of county after doing an eight-month stint. He needed a job, and since Grady vouched for him, he figured he’d give him a shot. Big fucking mistake. He’d bailed on two jobs and was left with a warning. It happened again, and he was out. Caden sat back in chair, glaring at Grady.
“He’s back in county.”
Caden slammed his hand down on his desk so hard, his computer shifted to the edge. “Fuck, Grady, you serious?”
“Afraid so.”
“Now we got no one for the Basking route.”
“I can do it?”
Caden narrowed his eyes. “Thought your CDL expired?”
Grady shrugged and opened his mouth.
“No. Not risking it. Fuck!”
He grabbed his phone and stormed past Grady. The only other driver option was himself. The route would take all day. While Grady and Drake could cover the office, leaving Pop on his own was not an option. He walked over to Lucy’s. She’d helped in the past. He knocked, pacing her small porch until the door opened.
“Hey, honey.”
“Hey, think you could stay with Pop today? Got a driver called out, and I need to cover his route.”
Her smile faltered, and he knew he was screwed. “Oh Cade, I’m heading over to my girl’s house. She and her husband planned a weekend away, so I’m watching the grandbabies. I’m sorry, sugar.”
“No worries, safe drive.”
Caden walked back to the house. The last thing he wanted to do was have Trevor miss school, but there weren’t any other options. Pop couldn’t be left alone. He made his way through the living room and halfway up the stairs when he heard the soft knock on his door. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a thin pair of bare legs and flip flops. From the angle, he couldn’t see above her knees, but he knew exactly who it was. He stepped down the small flight and walked to the screen door.
“Hi.” Marissa stood with her hands clasped in front of her, wearing a tight cami and showing off every curve of her breasts and her hard nipples. He sucked in a breath, gazing down to her cotton shorts molded to her waist and ass. He sucked in a breath. He did not need this right now.
“What?” he snapped.
“Thin walls.”
He eyed her, and her small smile irritated him. What the hell was wrong with her, coming over to his place, showing him what he couldn’t have, and now talking in fucking riddles?
“What?” he snapped. It was harsh and seemed to catch her off guard. She winced.
“Um...I overheard you asking Lucy about staying with Jack today.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I can stay with him if you want.”
“Thought you were leaving?”
“I was, I mean, I am, but if you need help today, I can wait till tomorrow.”
Caden stared down at her.
“Or not?” She squared her shoulders. “I’m gonna go.” She turned quickly, stumbling on the steps, and hurried down the walkway.
“Fuck!” She was halfway to the edge of the house when he threw open the door. “Riss?”
She immediately halted and looked over her shoulder.
“Yeah, I could use some help today.”