Page 69 of The Samaritan
Caden released her wrist and stepped back, turning to face his son. His shit-eating grin was enough to have Caden smacking it off of him. He scowled, which only intensified Trevor’s humor.
“You should have left by now.”
“I’m heading out now.”
“Gotta do a route today. Rissa will stay with Pop, but I need you home right after practice, relieve her, got me?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Caden started away but looked back at Marissa. “You gonna think about what I said?”
She nodded and turned back to walk away. This day would be long.
Fuck him.
Chapter Thirteen
It had seemed like forever since she’d been responsible for another human being. It was exhausting, but in a way that gave her something she hadn’t felt in a long time. Purpose. Spending the day with Jack had enlightened her to more of the dynamics of the Reilly men.
By the time she had come back to the house, Caden was gone. As promised, he’d left cash, which she had no intention of using. She scoured the freezer, pulled out ground beef, and checked the fridge. For a man who didn’t seem the least domesticated, his fridge was stocked with vegetables and was completely adequate for cooking dinner for Jack and Trevor.
“Who the hell are you?”
She peeked over her shoulder to see Jack in the doorway to the kitchen. He’d obviously just woken up from the look on his face. He didn’t seem confused or angry like the other times she’d seen him.
Choice time. She could go at this way one of two ways. She could be Marissa, which would be the honest and sensible route, though a complete stranger in Jack’s mind. Or she could remain Colleen and keep things as they’d been. I’ll let him choose.
She turned around and smiled. “Morning, Jack.”
His brows furrowed in confusion.
“Caden had to drive the truck today, so he’s going to be gone all day.”
He squinted. Not a good sign. “Where’s the kid?”
“Trevor’s at school, but he’ll be home for dinner. I’m making meatloaf. Does that sound good, or would you like something else?”
He continued to eye her suspiciously.
She folded her arms and cocked out her hip, smirking. “Jack, you do remember me, right?”
His head lifted slightly, and his smile slowly spread across his face into a grin. He barked out a raspy laugh. “Coll. I thought that was you. What the hell are you doing in my kitchen?”
She snickered at his excitement and then shrugged. “Making meatloaf.”
They spent the day talking, mostly Jack retelling stories from the past. She had never used the phrase “I remember” so many times in her life. It was easier this way. Not for her, but for Jack. Sometimes living in the past was all he had, and if it meant agreeing she was the one who stripped down on a pool table and took three guys at once, she’d do it. She was pretty sure she’d never blushed so many times in one day either.
While Jack napped, she prepared dinner, and when he emerged again, she had to gently remind him of who she was. It was deceitful but necessary. After lunch, Jack announced they were going for a ride. Being trapped in the house all day had given him cabin fever.
“Go change, and I’ll meet you at the garage.” He got up from the table, seemingly on a mission as he rummaged through the keys on the hook near the back door.
“Change?” She looked down at her outfit. She had on a pink top with a bra and jean shorts. Not exactly dressy, but comfortable.
He shot her a smirk. “Can’t ride with shorts, Coll.” He laughed and made his way out the door.
“Ride what?” She hurried out the door following Jack, who was double-stepping back toward the office. She had to jog just to catch up to him.
“Drake?” he shouted.