Page 71 of The Samaritan
Drake burst out laughing and rested his hand on her back. “You’re a sweet one, though.”
“Great.” She chuckled. “See ya later.” Marissa headed back to the house. There were worse things in life than being considered a club whore. The idea of what the real Colleen was like back then made her wonder. She was just coming up on the unit when Drake called her name. She turned around and waited as he jogged over to her.
He inhaled a breath, and his hand gripped the back of his neck. He looked hesitant.
“Look, it’s none of my business, and I should probably just keep my mouth shut.”
God, he looked uncomfortable.
“Cade and I have been friends for a long time, since we were kids. I know him better than most.”
Marissa wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but if she had to guess, he was about to bring up the other day. Obviously, Drake had overheard their argument or Caden had shared.
“I’m not making excuses for him, and I don’t know what went down between you two.” He paused, his face reddening. “Look, Cade’s… He’s not used to women like you.”
She snorted. “Women like me? What, weird?” She laughed as his face grew red.
“Nah, God, I’m fucking this up.”
She reached out, grasping his arm. “Drake, it’s fine.”
He shook his head. “You’re different from every woman he’s had. You think any of them gave a shit about Pop or Trev?” He paused and cocked his head. “They didn’t. None of them cared about anything but being in his bed. But you, you’re good.” He sighed. “Ya got the guy mixed up, feeling shit he didn’t know he could feel.”
She had Caden mixed up? It wasn’t her intention. None of this was intended, including her connection to him. She shook her head. It was all so confusing to her, and she didn’t have it in her to discuss it with Caden’s friend. She stepped back.
“Well, I appreciate you saying that.” She walked away but only got two feet when Drake spoke again.
“He’s a good man, Riss. He’s got walls up, but beyond that shit, Cade’s one of the best guys I know. Big heart, loyal as fuck. You give him time, and you’ll see it.”
Caden’s walls wouldn’t be the issue. But hers would be.
She shifted her chin but didn’t say a word and jolted around. Her feet hit the gravel hard as she rushed back to the house.
The rest of the day went by fairly smooth. They never took the ride into town. When she made it back to the house, Jack was in the recliner and watching TV. She sat on the couch and watched with him until he fell asleep, and then she started dinner.
At five thirty, Trevor came through the door, dropping all his gear by the entry and making his presence known. “What smells good?”
She laughed. “Meatloaf, I hope.”
“You cooked for us?” Trevor swung his arm over her shoulder and leaned forward, peering into the bowl of potatoes. She was surprised she even remembered how to make her mother’s recipe, but it came rushing back to her when she started working around the kitchen.
“Homemade mashed potatoes?” He grabbed his stomach with his free hand. “Spoiling us, Riss.”
She laughed and glanced up. “And broccoli.”
His lips twisted, and his face pinched. “You had to ruin a perfectly good meal with broccoli.” He released her arm and headed to the fridge. “I got time for a shower?”
“Yeah, it’ll be about twenty minutes before we eat.”
“Cool, I’ll go now.”
Twenty minutes later they sat down to eat. Trevor monopolized the conversation for the next thirty minutes. She didn’t mind, though. Hearing a play by play of his day had her on the edge of her seat listening. There was something about the way he spoke and the excitement in his tone. She was surprised when both Trevor and Jack cleared their plates and cleaned up.
By eight, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do. Jack had gone up for the night but not before pulling her in for a lingering hug. He held onto her longer than deemed appropriate, and she let him. It felt good.
Trevor was seated at the kitchen table with his back to her. His computer was set up alongside a few notebooks. The dreaded homework.
“I’m going to get going unless you need me to stay?”