Page 84 of The Samaritan
She chuckled and shook her head. “No, but I’m a Trevor fan.”
The game ended, and Trevor’s team won. They all filed out of the field along with all the others. Most people had left the lot, but their small group stayed near the front entrance. Mostly kids were hanging out, and as Drake explained, they’d be partying tonight.
She was watching the large group form a few feet were from where they stood. All kids, lots of girls. She recognized the two girls from the park. The blonde was laughing and talking to a group of boys while the brown-haired girl, Vanessa, stood off to the side. She must have felt Marissa’s stare because she jerked her head.
Marissa smiled and waved, which Vanessa returned.
Large hands gripped her hips, and she was pulled back into a hard chest. She glanced up over her shoulder to see Caden staring at the doors. He wrapped his hands around her waist to lay across her stomach. The talking continued around them as if Caden wasn’t holding her against him. Drake took a quick double take but turned. Not before she caught the smirk on his face.
The doors flew open, and the boys filed out. She caught sight of Trevor the second he made his way out. While most of the boys stopped to talk with the other kids, Trevor made a beeline for them. Drake and Grady greeted him first, doing the manly hug, back slap thing. When Trevor turned, his face lit.
“You made it.” There was no hiding his excitement in seeing Rourke and Trax.
Rourke lit his cigarette and snorted. “Fucking told you we’d be here.” Rourke took a drag, and smirked. “Hell of a win, kid.”
Marissa watched the interaction. Seeing them with Trevor gave her pause. Macy and Chey fussed over him, which Trevor completely ate up. He seemed to be completely at ease with the members. Like family. Somehow, Trax and Rourke seemed less intimidating interacting with Trevor.
“We’ll let ya go, man.” Trax waggled his brows. “After party, right?”
Trevor grinned with a slow nod and then spun around to face her and Caden. He grinned, and Caden’s arm reached out, slapping his back.
“Great game, kid.”
“You were so good, Trev,” she said, hearing the hitch in her voice. He glanced down at her and smiled, taking a longer glance at how Caden’s arm was wrapped around her. His smile grew, and his eyes glinted. Whatever he was thinking he was seeing, Trevor liked it.
“Thanks, Riss. You see my touchdown?”
Grady snorted. “See it? The damn girl led the cheers. Her ass was outta her seat so fast, I didn’t even know what was happening.” The group laughed, and her face burned. Caden’s hand tightened around her waist.
Trevor laughed. “Not bad, I got the hottest chick as my biggest fan.” His name was called from behind, and the group of kids emerged into their small group. Kayla hugged Trevor, and she noticed his slight hesitation. As the group intertwined with them, she was left standing next to Vanessa. She turned and smiled.
“Hi, Vanessa, how are you?”
“Hi, Marissa. I’m good.” She peered up at Caden behind her. “Hi, Mr. Reilly.” She said it so shyly she reminded Marissa of herself.
“Hey, Van.” The teen blushed and glanced away.
“Trev, we’re outta here. Home by one.”
Trevor nodded, and they left with Trevor engaged among his crowd.
She hadn’t realized the members and their women were behind them until they reached the bikes.
“Don’t forget, you come hang with us when Caden comes to Ghosttown.”
Marissa turned and smiled at Macy. She was slightly excited at the prospect of hanging out with them. It all felt so normal, and for the first time in a while, she felt herself craving the normalcy. She was unprepared when Chey leaned in for a hug. Marissa was awkward, but Chey didn’t seem to mind. She hugged her tightly and settled back.
“Cade’s got our numbers. Hit us up when you come to Ghosttown.”
“I will. It was so nice meeting you guys,” she said. It almost felt foreign.
Macy and Chey shared the same smile. Genuine. They waved and walked off with Rourke and Trax.
The ride back was bitter cold, and she burrowed as close as she could to Caden. By the time they pulled up the driveway, her body was numb.
She got off the bike and waited. Was he coming with her or leaving? It was an odd spot to be in. He locked up his bike and turned to her.
“Had fun?”