Page 59 of Need 2 Have U
“I need to run to the shop and get some eggs for pancakes. I won’t be long. I’ll be back before you have a chance to miss me.” With a quick kiss, he heads to the door, and I admire his ass in those jeans as he goes. Before he can leave, the baby monitor sounds, and he goes to get Easton up.
My need for caffeine grows, so I grab a mug from the cupboard and set it under the coffee machine. Just as I place the pod in position, my two boys come into view.
Is there anything hotter than a dad doting on his kid?
“Hey, little man. Did you have a good sleep?” Parker puts him down, and he rushes over to me, wrapping his arms around my legs.
“Sum here,” he mumbles into me.
“Yeah, I am. I thought we could have breakfast together.”
He nods enthusiastically before toddling over to sit on the sofa, where kids TV is now playing.
“Take two. I’ll be back in a bit, okay?” he asks, and I nod, taking a sip of my coffee and keeping an eye on East.
“Of course.”
As he leaves, I grab East a smoothie from the fridge and take it over to him where he’s sitting on the couch, cuddling his stuffed monkey. He gives me a big toothy grin as he reaches out and takes the drink, thanking me. He’s so polite, I can’t deal with the cuteness.
Just as I sit down to watch TV with East, there’s a knock on the door.
Weird. I’m sure I saw him take his key.
Pulling open the front door, I’m face-to-face with who I can only assume from photos is Heather. In skinny jeans and a lilac tee, she’d be attractive if it weren’t for the scowl on her face. My warm smile drops, replaced with what I imagine is a look of bewilderment.
“Uh…hi? Can I help you?” I ask, wondering how she made it up here and past security. It’s like the White House in this place!
“I’m here for my son,” she says, eyeing me with a combination of disgust and resentment. Trying to remain civil, I offer her a small smile. This isn’t my fight; I don’t want an argument.
“Parker didn’t mention you were picking him up. He should be back soon, and you can speak to him then.” I contemplate whether or not to offer her a coffee in the meantime but wonder if Parker would lose his shit if he knew she was in his home.
“He’s my son. I don’t need permission to be with him,” she barks, trying to let herself in, and it surprises me. I didn’t expect her to get confrontational; I thought she’d work with me on the polite but awkward conversation.
She attempts to move past me again, but I’m not having it. Not on my watch.
“You’re not taking him anywhere until Parker gets back.” I try to keep my tone even, but she’s got my back up. Why would she even try and cause a problem when she knows her son is only a few feet away? “East, sweetie. Did you want to go play on your tablet in your room until Daddy gets back?”
Oblivious to the commotion at the front door, he gives me an adorable grin and nod and potters off to his room like I asked with his monkey in one hand and his smoothie in the other.
“Stop playing fucking house with my son,” she yells, getting irate and looking less and less stable as time passes. I really was trying to avoid getting into something with Parker’s ex, but she’s pushing my buttons.
“Giving birth doesn’t make you a mother,” I grit out, refusing to raise my voice while East is nearby.
“Fucking his dad doesn’t make you his mother either,” she bites back, and I gasp, turning to make sure Easton is still in his room and oblivious to his mother’s poisonous tongue.
How fucking dare she?
Once my back is turned, she once again attempts to force her way into the suite. Blocking her way, I position myself between her and Easton’s room, but I don’t anticipate her next move. With a sharp shove, I lose my balance and go down hard. My head collides with something, and I see stars. Fuck.
“What the…” Parker’s voice bellows from the doorway, taking in the scene. “Get out of my home. Right the fuck now.”
Heather eyes Parker as he kneels down next to me, contemplating her next move. The woman is deranged.
My head is pounding, and when I take my hand away from the point of impact, it comes back red. Ouch.
“Where’s East?” he asks as he gently checks my head, concern etched onto his handsome face.
“In his room,” I say, relieved he didn’t witness the scuffle.