Page 83 of Need 2 Have U
“Oh, are you sure you have to go? Can’t you stay a little longer?” she pleads as she plays peek-a-boo with Easton for the hundredth time. I’m not sure whether she’s talking to all of us or just Easton. He’s become her shadow, unsurprisingly with the way she spoils him.
“We need to get home, but we’ll be back soon, I promise,” I say as my uncle engulfs me in a gentle bear hug. I inhale his familiar scent, peppermint and smoke, and smile into the embrace.
“You better be, sister. Or else I’ll drag you back,” Rosie jokes as she takes Easton from Maria.
“I love you,” Maria whispers in my ear as she hugs me goodbye, and I squeeze her as tight as I can manage without pulling my stitches.
This is family. My family.
“I love you too, and I promise we’ll come see you soon. And you guys can come to LA and see us too.”
“Just try and stop us,” my uncle jokes as he shakes Parker’s hand.
The drive to the airport seems to take forever; traffic is not on our side. But we make it in plenty of time and board without issues.
The flight back is a family affair. Parker’s mom is sitting beside mine across the aisle from Parker and me, with Parker’s dad and Easton just in front of them. Easton crashed out not long after takeoff, and Parker’s dad followed suit.
Lost in my thoughts, I stare out of the window until Parker links his fingers with mine, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it softly.
“Are you okay?” he asks, concern etched across his handsome face. He’s been incredibly attentive since I was released from hospital, always making sure I’m not overdoing it. It’s been sweet but frustrating. I miss his manhandling, the way we’d lose all inhibitions behind closed doors. Now he’s worried he’ll cough and it will blow me over.
“I’m perfect, thank you.” Leaning forward, I capture his lips with mine, trying to convey how I’m feeling and how much I appreciate him. Pulling back with a smile, I try to read him.
Bouncing his knee, he worries his lip as he studies me. “So I need to ask you something.”
“Okay?” He’s never like this. He’s the take-charge kind of guy who doesn’t take no for an answer. The big boss man.
“Move in with me,” he blurts out suddenly, a statement, not a question.
I stare at him dumbfounded. For some reason, of all the things he could have said, this wasn’t one I expected.
“Hear me out. You need to rest and take it easy for a while. And I’m not ready to let you out of my sight. I swear every time I close my eyes, it’s like I’m reliving the nightmare all over again.”
“That’s not a bad idea, sweetheart,” my mom chimes in from across the aisle. “You’ll need a bit of help for a while, and I’m sure you’d rather move in with Parker than me.”
I cringe at the thought of living with my mom, and Parker tries to hide his smirk, knowing exactly what I’m thinking.
Agnes leans in to add, “And I don’t think Easton would take no for an answer. That little boy is besotted with you.”
Surrounded by so much love, I light up inside, and it’s a no-brainer. Waking up each morning in Parker’s arms and reading Easton a bedtime story every night?
“I’d love to.”
Parker’s beaming smile lights up his face, and he leans in to kiss me, reining it in so he doesn’t manhandle me, much to my dismay.
As soon as the doctor clears me though, all bets are off…
By the time we land, I’m so ready to get home. We say goodbye to everyone, and Parker helps me into the car. When we pull up at the house, Parker opens my door and helps me out before unbuckling East. Easton is over the moon to be home and has spent the entire drive from the airport chatting about his toys and what he’s going to play with first.
As soon as he’s loose, he rushes over to me and hugs my leg.
“Remember, buddy, you need to be gentle with Summer. She has an owie,” Parker reminds him, and Easton lets go, looking up at me to make sure I’m okay.
“I’m fine, baby. Shall we go find all your toys?” I ask, and he claps his hands in glee before running toward the front door. The energy this kid has is unreal; I’m exhausted just watching him.
As soon as Parker unlocks the door and pushes it open, a chorus of “Welcome Home!” erupts, and our family and friends come into view. The welcome banner stretching across the main room makes me well up, and Alice is quick to pull me into a gentle hug.
“I’m so happy to see you,” she whispers into my ear while the boys exchange back slaps.