Page 47 of Fighting Fate
Hard sex with Rory wins highlight of my day. Even if I am still jealous and pissed at the whole interview thing, I’m also buzzing. My heart is still struggling to catch up with itself as I pull his top on. It smells too good not to nuzzle into the loose collar and inhale his warm scent deeply. All the while, I watch him pull his boxers back on, admiring the strength of his limbs and the largeness of his presence.
Rory is solid in every way. He’s that guy that you wish for—straightforward, without being a totally open book. The more time we spend together, the more I learn about him. He’s not your typical sportsman brimming with confidence, airs, and graces. Despite his boldness and success, Rory is humble and funny. He possesses a passion that lights up any room he’s in.
“You doing okay?” he asks, coming to stand in front of me. A crooked finger tips my chin up as he comes closer. “Just fucked looks too damn good on you, doll.”
“Feels better,” I retort, incapable of hiding my smile.
No one has ever made me smile the way he does. It’s more of a compulsion rather than an action. A feeling that buzzes deep inside me until I can’t contain it, and it literally beams out of me. All my sordid history with men disappears, fading to insignificance when we’re together. Rory’s affection is the only thing I feel. It thrums in my chest, running through my veins like a life force of its own in my bloodstream. Everything and everyone that came before him is nothing but a blip. And I’m fucking terrified of losing it. More than that, the thought of watching him with someone else…
“Lo?” Rory murmurs, nudging the tip of his nose with mine. “What’s going through your mind?”
I shake my head, but the question is on the tip of my tongue. The truth is that I’m not just jealous or pissed. A part of me is hurt that he didn’t push her away somehow.
“Babe…” He quirks a brow at me, urging me to talk.
I can’t hold back because this is me all over. This is the shit that happens to me every time I get into someone. “Why did you let her touch you?”
It sounds petty, and I’m embarrassed by my insecurity, but I can’t pretend that I’m okay with it. I’ve done it one too many times before.
“What?” A deep frown darkens his face. “What are you talking about?”
“The interview. She was practically on top of you.”
“Are you jealous?” Rory chuckles, but something must tell him it’s not the thing to do right now because he sobers quickly. “You have nothing to be jealous about.”
“I’m also pissed…”
“You are?”
I nod. “And disappointed. Maybe I’m not entitled to feel this way, but I do because you didn’t even try to push her away or—”
“I’m sorry,” Rory interjects, coiling his arms around me and pressing his lips to mine.
There’s a moment of silence as we stand wrapped around each other. His skin on mine feels so good. So warm. Being like this with him feels like home. Too good and too right and too much of everything it shouldn’t be.
“Katie’s closeness didn’t even register. When we’re doing these things…”
“It’s your job, Rory. You don’t have to be sorry. I know how these publicity circles work.” But it doesn’t make it easier. Watching him so close with another woman…it has every alarm going off in my head. Every single one of my fears is rearing its head with the thought that I’m never going to be good enough for any man. Not the shitty arseholes that lie through their teeth or the good ones like he is. “It’s just the way I feel. I can’t help it.”
There’s a slight nod as he watches me closely. Rory’s not the silent type, and the fact that he’s quiet unnerves me.
“I like it.” His gravelly laugh vibrates through me, warming every nook and cranny of my being. “And it’s mutual.”
Gently, Rory brushes my hair from my face before cupping my jaw. With soft strokes, he thumbs over my cheek. His rich chocolate stare holds mine, and I’m not sure what happens. My insides heat with a fiery twist of my stomach while tears clog my airway. Even when I try to blink them away, they flood my vision.
Fuck, I have no idea what’s wrong with me. I seem to cry at the drop of a hat these days. Every little thing sets me off. Because Rory makes me feel things I’ve never felt…in ways I’ve never felt. I’m a living, breathing, giant fuckball of emotions that I cannot contain.
“Babe…” He searches my face, and the concern etched in his firm, pressed lips and darkening his eyes only makes my emotions bowl over.
“I feel stupid now,” I finally manage to tell him. “I’m sorry.”
“I told you…I like it.”
Pushing up onto my toes, I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders with a kiss to his jaw, relishing the strength of his hold when he envelops me in his arms. “Want to shower with me?”
His reply is a light nip to my cheek as he lifts me up and carries me to his bedroom, taking us straight into the bathroom. The shower comes on automatically when he steps inside the large glass cubicle in the middle of the room. As the cold water sprays us, I curl deeper into him while he puts me down on my feet with a kiss to my lips. Pressing me into the shower wall, he licks into my mouth with possessive force and a groan that makes me tremble from top to bottom.