Page 19 of Unchained Shadows
My heart races, but I bite it back, acting as normal as my nerve will allow.
He clears his throat, adjusting the lapels of his suit jacket. “I managed to call in a favor. I know there’s been a blocker between students and parents and I wanted to check in on you and make sure you’re alright under the circumstances.”
I can’t decide whether to try to ruffle his feathers by bad-mouthing the fuck out of Erikel to see his reaction or fall pliant like I’m sure he hopes.
“How do you think she’s coping? She’s trying to come to terms with her abilities. Abilities you subdued for so long, and before she can get a handle on them, she’s used as a tool in somebody else’s war.” Brax’s jaw tenses as he grunts his disapproval, unknowingly choosing the direction we’re going to take the situation.
My father runs his tongue over his teeth, adjusting in his seat as he glares at my gargoyle. “I did what I felt was necessary to protect my daughter. Maybe if she hadn’t grown a soft spot for you and your friends, then she would never have allowed such a wise man as Erikel to use that Wylder boy as leverage over her.”
Wise man, my ass.
Nobody can toot their own trumpet like Erikel. That’s not going to change now under someone else’s form.
I feel Brax’s irritation rise, pulsing around him in waves. As much as I would love to see him take this fucker to town, I know I need to take control before things go sideways.
“Well, you’ve seen I’m fine with your own eyes, Papa.” The name for him burns my tongue, but if I’m pretending, I may as well be as committed as possible. “Was there anything else you needed?”
“Raven, you haven’t answered my question.” He taps at his chin as he looks me over from head to toe. “Are you okay here?”
The brazenness of this man. He clearly wants to know my thoughts on him, like a fly on a wall in a restricted room. He’s a damn leech that won’t relent. I shrug. “I’m fine. Surviving. Just as I always have. Now is no different. With or without you, I’ll figure it out. I always do.”
I see the sparkle in his eyes, the unspoken challenge. It’s a real glimpse into the cynical eyes of our unwanted leader.
He nods, pursing his lips as he makes no effort to move. “Where is the Wylder boy? I expected to see him as well.”
That’s what this is about.
He wants to know the whereabouts of Zane, Creed, and Eldon.
I should have known. He couldn’t get the information from me, so he’s willing to take the forms of others to get it. What a rookie mistake. Of all the people to glean that information from me, my father sure as shit wouldn’t be one of them.
The reality is, I have to give him something, and I only have a split second to decide.
My face falls to my open palms, shielding away from the man opposite me as I take a deep breath. A cry bursts from my mouth, croaking into a sob as I slip from my seat and crumble to my knees.
My lip wobbles, my show becoming a reality as my emotions rush to the surface. “Papa, I can’t…I can’t…you need to help me. Help us. I-I d-don’t know where they are.” I drop my hands to my lap, tilting my face up to the man posing as my father, watching as he traces the tears tracking down my face. “Erikel took us to Ashdale to…find the Potens Ruby. We separated in hopes of finding it more quickly, but they never reappeared and he made us leave before we could find them.”
My nostrils flare, willing the raw pain and tears to retract, but it’s impossible.
I’m raw. I’m vulnerable. I’m theirs. And if that means acting like this as a distraction in front of the enemy, then so be it.
My father shifts uncomfortably in his seat, toying with the tie around his neck as he frowns. “What do you mean? Everyone should have been accounted for.”
I shake my head. “They weren’t, Papa. Now I don’t know what to do. I can’t sleep. Worry plagues me. I’m sinking in a world that I’m not ready for.” I almost cringe at myself. My tears may be real, but the words coming from my mouth aren’t, and I worry I’m working it too hard.
“Raven, come,” Brax murmurs, reaching for my hand and pulling me to his side. I take the seat beside him once more, looking down at my lap. “Can you help us or not?” he adds, talking to the imposter, who doesn’t instantly respond.
I take a deep breath, and another, and another, before looking up through my lashes at him. I find my father’s eyes locked on me, his eyebrows furrowed and lips drawn tight.
Finally, he clears his throat, rising to his feet. “I’ll demand Erikel take another look around the caves,” he states, stunning me. If he hadn’t outed himself already, he did then because I only said Ashdale. I didn’t mention any caves.
Hiding the realization from my face, I swipe at my tears and stand. “Thank you, Papa. Thank you.”