Page 27 of Unchained Shadows
Once upon a time, the thoughts that kept me up at night were warped with worry over what the next day would look like if the bruises from the prior night’s attack would be noticeable and sore. Who would I be as a Void? What future would I even have? One even worth living?
Now… as dark as my mind once went, it doesn’t compare to this.
Where are Creed, Eldon, and Zane?
Are they safe?
Is there hope?
Where is the emerald gate?
How can we find it?
Is there another way?
How can I hop in on Brax’s dreams that seem to take him there?
Is he there now?
I glance over my shoulder to see him sleeping contently, giving nothing away, and I sigh, curling back in on myself.
What did Rhys mean when he warned me something wasn’t okay with my father?
Do I care?
Is Ari safe?
Why isn’t he hearing me?
Why can’t I go and see him?
What could be happening at the compound?
How do I get there without a gateway or my familiar’s aid?
My eyes squeeze tightly closed, trying to strengthen a connection with him. I feel the pool of warmth in my gut that I’ve come to associate with him, but otherwise, there’s nothing.
What will it take to bring Erikel down once and for all?
Can we truly rely on The Monarchy to do it?
I know the answer to that already. The truth floods through my veins and I hate the reality of it. If I want to see this all come to an end, then I’m going to have to do something about it. What was it that Eldon said when I first got here? A murmur of a prophecy. I remember the conversation like it was yesterday.
“I get them sometimes, but they’re hard to decipher. It could be nothing.”
“It was a raven.”
“It had pink feathers.”
“There was a map, and the raven’s claw was placed on Shadowmoor.”
“What else?”
“Nothing.” I can see the denial in his eyes.
“What else, Eldon? What else did the raven have or do that could possibly make you think it was me?”
“I don’t know. I just know that in my vision, a war was coming, a war across realms, threatening all of existence. And the raven… she saved us all.”