Page 67 of Unchained Shadows
“Raven Hendrix, I am Zane Denver. I pledge to help with all that I am, all that I could be, and all I wish to be.”
“Raven Hendrix, I am Creed Wylder. I pledge to help with all that I am, all that I could be, and all I wish to be.”
“Raven Hendrix, I am Eldon Rhodes. I pledge to help with all that I am, all that I could be, and all I wish to be.”
Tears prick the back of my eyes, rendering me speechless as I feel their gaze on mine. After a moment, my chest still heaving with every breath, I hear Eldon growl Brax’s name. “Pledge your oath to her,” he insists, and despite the emotion bubbling inside of me, I chuckle as Brax responds.
“I already have.”
Warmth cascades over my right side and my fingers splay out over soft skin. Peeling my eyes open, I find a mess of pink and black hair draped over my shoulder, an arm sprawled over my chest, and a delicate thigh hooked over me.
Fucking, Raven.
Peace at last. A feeling I wasn’t sure I would ever experience again, and now here it is. Reality rears its ugly head, reminding me that the battle isn’t over. The war technically hasn’t even begun.
Glancing across the rest of the ridiculously big bed, I spot Eldon pressed against Raven’s back and Creed stretched out on the other side of him. Brax, however, is nowhere to be seen. He could possibly be with his parents, but for now, while I’m reaping the rewards of Raven’s slumber, I’m going to assume that he’s okay.
As if sensing my thoughts, the bedroom door swings open and the grumpy gargoyle fills the open space. His eyes fall on Raven first, tracing over her from head to toe before they settle on me.
“Come,” he grunts, waving me toward him, but I shake my head.
“Why would I want to leave my spot?” I ask, raising my eyebrows. I’m sure he would be asking the same thing if our roles were reversed, but the situation isn’t the other way around, so all I get is one of his signature deathly glares.
It seems time hasn’t changed this asshole’s consistent rough demeanor, but I try to give him the benefit of the doubt since he’s taken such good care of our girl.
“Just move your lazy ass,” he snips, and I shake my head.
“Listen, I don’t give a shit what you want or need me for. I’m not leaving?—”
“I’ll come too,” Raven murmurs, interrupting what would surely have led to an argument. Any irritation with the asshole is quickly forgotten as I turn to glance down at her with a smile.
Pressing my lips against her temple, I tighten my arm around her shoulders and bask in her presence for a second longer.
“We can just pretend to be asleep and he might leave us alone,” I offer, earning a chuckle from my dove as Eldon and Creed stir awake.
“The look on his face tells me we’re not getting out of this one. Let’s go,” she states, kissing my cheek before shuffling to the end of the bed.
I fold my arms behind my head, happy to watch her as she prances across the room, heading for the bathroom. The door closes behind her with an effective thud, leaving me to pout.
“What’s up, man?” I ask, and Brax just rolls his eyes at me.
It seems I’m going to have to go and see for myself.
Standing, I use my magic to dress in a pair of sweatpants and a fitted tee, just in time for Raven to step back out in a similar outfit, but she looks way fucking hotter.
I watch her in awe, from the loose tendrils of hair that frame her face to the cuffs of her sweatpants. This woman. This fucking woman.
“You’re wasting time,” Brax grumbles, opening the bedroom door wide, interrupting my appreciation of her again.
I sigh, slapping my hands at my sides. I’m aware I probably look like a cranky toddler, but I don’t care. “What time? You’re not sharing anything.”