Page 9 of Two Thousand Tears
“That’s not funny, Rei!”
“No, it’s not. I’m serious. I’ll call him now. Tell him everything. What do you think he would say?”
The vampire reached for the phone, but Rei pulled it away while trying to ignore the press of Yichen’s chest against his own, the cool crisp scent of his skin drifting past his nose. Why did he have to smell so tantalizing?
“Would he denounce you? Would he tell you that you’re not welcome within the clan any longer?” Rei continued, fighting to keep his voice steady as it threatened to break.
“No! No, they wouldn’t, but I would feel like a failure!” Yichen shouted in Rei’s face. He stomped away from Rei, one hand shoved into his long hair. “I…I caused them so much pain. I wanted to return to them whole. Not dump a fresh problem in their lap. How could they still want me?”
Rei lowered the phone to his side, his shoulders slumping as a fist tightened around his heart. Returning to the Zhang clan had been the only thing to keep Yichen fighting when things were at their bleakest. He told stories about what his life had been like. Every word crossing his lips was about love, loyalty, and family.
But that night in the woods as he’d faced Chen Bo Cheng, Yichen had run away from his family rather than return to them. And it was because of Rei. One desperate act to save Yichen’s life had left the vampire tainted and afraid of his own family.
“I’m sorry, Yiyi,” Rei whispered. He lowered his eyes to the sleeping phone and frowned. “I’m sorry I wasn’t faster or smarter. If I’d come up with another solution when they hurt you, maybe…”
Strong hands gripped his arms, and Rei’s head jolted up. He hadn’t even heard Yichen’s approach, and now those angry eyes were locked on his face. “Stop!” he snapped, shaking him lightly. “You saved my life. This isn’t your fault. It…it just fucking is. I can complain and pout about our circumstances all I want, but it changes nothing. It’s wasting time we don’t have. You’re right. I’ll call Chen-ge. I’ll return to my clan and ask for help. If they don’t want me…it won’t be the first time in my life I’ve dealt with that. I can do it again.”
The fist released his heart, and Rei could relax. He understood Yiyi’s feelings of shame and frustration. Similar feelings churned in his gut whenever he thought about his parents.
His gaze skimmed over Yichen’s face and the smile he tried to force onto his lips for the sole purpose of reassuring Rei. But it was the dark shadows under his eyes and his paler-than-normal cheeks that caught his attention.
“They aren’t going to reject you after they learn the truth. I know it,” Rei murmured. He drew in a deep breath, preparing to launch his next attack. “Ahead of that, I think you need to feed.”
“No.” Yichen released him like he burst into flames. “I’m two thousand years old. I don’t need to feed that frequently.”
“We’ve also been on the run, and you keep poisoning yourself with blood that you can’t digest.” Rei leaned in so their noses were nearly brushing. “Do you wish to return to your family looking sickly? It will make them worry more. Feed tonight and when we see them tomorrow night, you will appear strong and refreshed.”
“I hate your logical mind,” Yichen growled.
“Only because your mind was not built to handle logic. It’s okay. I’m here to protect you.”
Rei walked over and plopped down on the sofa with a tiny bounce of the worn-out springs. He lifted the hand still holding the phone toward Yichen, and the glaring vampire finally cracked. Yichen swiped the device away and stuffed it into the back pocket of his jeans.
Sadly, Yichen didn’t join him on the sofa, cuddling as close as possible. He didn’t draw Rei into his arms and nuzzle his neck right over the place where his pulse fluttered in anticipation. That was what Rei secretly longed for, but that was not what he got with Yichen.
The vampire was incredibly respectful, almost to the point of reverence. He kneeled on the floor and cradled Rei’s left hand in both of his with the same gentleness one might show if handling a newborn or even spun glass. He turned his hand over, so that his white wrist showed, and he rubbed a thumb over Rei’s pulse.
Dark eyes lifted to meet his in silent question. He always gave Rei the opportunity to change his mind, to withhold his blood from the vampire, but Rei never took it. He playfully winked at Yichen while hoping Yichen mistook his fast pulse for nerves rather than desire.
Just once had Yichen lost himself to the hunger, and it had been an exquisite experience.
It was the second time Yiyi had taken his blood. King Ash had tortured Yichen while the queen sent Rei off on some stupid errand. He’d returned to find Yichen in agony, the blood draining out of him while one arm hung limp at his side, his shoulder dislocated.
Yichen hadn’t even gotten out a genuine request. He’d panted “blood” at him, and Rei had nodded once. The vampire had then lunged across the tiny room, pulled him in close, and plunged his fangs into his throat. Pain had lanced through his body, but the most exquisite pleasure had followed it. Yichen’s working arm tightening on him, tucking him close as if he were the most precious thing in all the world.
Rei was reluctant to admit it, but he’d lost himself in that embrace. He’d wrapped his arms and legs around Yichen, allowing the vampire to carry him to the tiny cot in his prison. The feel of being held so tightly had blotted out the horrible conditions of that room, leaving him drowning in the caress of Yichen’s soft lips on his neck, the gentle swipe of his tongue.
Sadly, when he’d awakened later, it was to find Yiyi had tucked him into the bed alone while the vampire watched him with haunted eyes from across the room. He’d lost control with the one person in the world who was trying to protect him. It had taken weeks to talk Yichen back from his panic.
But neither of them forgot that moment. No matter how much Rei longed for it, Yichen never again bit him on the neck. The burning hunger could not overcome Yichen’s fear. Now he only bit him on the wrist, trying to cause Rei as little discomfort as possible.
It also meant there were no more bone-crushing embraces. No sweet, lingering brushes of his lips. No frantic need overcoming all that logic and common sense.
Rei simply smiled at Yichen, burying those secret longings deep inside.
What he wanted was impossible.
They were, literally, from two separate worlds.