Page 101 of Frank
“Awesome. Kids got legs. I could have told you that,” Bailey added.
“Wait a damn minute!” Cameron yelled. “Where is it?”
Holding my laughter, King asked, “Where’s what? What’s missing?”
“THE PENIS!” Cameron yelled and the entire room erupted in laughter as they congratulated King and Bailey.
After printing several pictures, I handed them to Bailey and King before ushering Cameron out of the room.
Poor boy looked dejected.
“Dr. Lidi?”
“You gotta help me out here. I can’t take another Betty.”
“I’m sorry, Cam, but I have no say in the sex of a baby.”
“Well, who does?”
“Actually, it’s the man who decides the sex.”
“So, you mean when I grow up and have kids, it will be my choice?”
“Kind of.” I nodded, pushing open the door where Pyro and Skylar were already waiting.
“You doing okay there, Cam?” Pyro asked, hiding his grin.
“Hell no.”
Taking my seat, I wasted no time getting everything set up while everyone filed in to hear the other good news.
“Pay up, asshole,” King said, flexing his hand at Priest, who grumbled. “Wouldn’t have to pay up if you knew how to shoot boys. Cameron’s right. There are too many Bettys in the club.”
King grinned from ear to ear, not giving a damn as he counted the cash.
“Okay, Cameron,” I said, stopping all conversation. “Same drill. You ready?”
“One minute,” the unhappy boy said before looking at Pyro as he declared, “You do me wrong, Pyro, and I will be your worst nightmare.”
“CAMERON!” Skylar yelled.
“I can’t take much more, Sissy. I’m breaking here. I need a boy!”
Frank sighed, moving the angry young man toward me. “It’s gonna be okay, little man. I know.”
“Can I get that in writing?” Cameron snipped before looking at the ultrasound monitor. Taking a deep breath, he looked intently at the screen. “Hey, Sissy, your baby is moving too!”
“I know. I can feel.”
“Wow, the heart is beating fast too.”
“160 beats per minute.”
“Hey, that’s faster than the other one.”
“Yep.” I grinned, winking at Skylar, who smiled happily.