Page 79 of Frank
Turning, I dared not move in fear that what I was seeing would disappear. There, standing not five feet from me, was Henley, who held a sleeping Charlie in her arms. Next to her was Diana Peters, who smiled warmly as she simply said, “The judge ordered Charlie to stay in Rosewood.”
Rushing to the best female friend I’d ever had, I engulfed Henley and Charlie in my arms, quickly kissing the top of her head.
Releasing her, I whispered, “I know now how Scribe feels about Bailey. You are my Bailey. My best friend. My bestie.”
Henley smiled lovingly when she handed Charlie over to me.
Snuggling my son close, I asked, “How?”
“It was touch and go for a hot minute, but in the end, Judge Tomlinson agreed that since Charlie was found in Rosewood, he would be the one to decide his fate. Now, for the time being, Henley is Charlie’s guardian, and she will need to be the one to bring him to court next week. Judge Tomlinson wants this matter settled fast. He’s ordered all parties to appear in court in three days.”
“That is fast.”
“Charlie?” Claudia gasped seconds before she rushed over to me. Handing her Charlie, I wrapped my arm around her while she nuzzled and kissed our little boy.
I was right.
She was going to be a wonderful mom.
The best mom ever.
“There’s more, guys,” Henley admitted. “Diana and I were talking. It would look better in court if the two of you appeared as a united front.”
Nodding, I smiled when Charlie yawned. My poor boy had a stressful day. I bet he was very happy to be with his momma again.
“Guys, I need you to listen to me,” Henley sighed, getting our attention.
“We’re listening, Henley. United front.” Claudia grinned.
“She means marriage, Lidi,” Priest said, walking up behind us. “I was talking with Scribe and we came to the same conclusion. You both want to keep Charlie? Then you two need to get married. Today.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
When I thought of my wedding day, I imagined a pretty white dress, with spring flowers everywhere as my dad walked me down the aisle in the church I was christened in. I wanted nothing fancy, just the basics. But I never thought I’d be standing in a motorcycle clubhouse in front of a bar, dressed in sweats while I held my son as Priest performed the vows. What made the whole thing even more astonishing was the fact I was marrying a man I’d secretly loved for years, but vowed I’d never allow myself to love.
“I promise you’ll get your dream wedding, Lidi.”
Looking up at Frank, I shook my head. “Don’t you see, Frank? None of those things matter. I thought they did, but you and Charlie are all I really need.”
“Are you sure?”
Nodding, I grinned happily. “Positive.”
“About damn time you realized what we all knew,” Sugar Potter said, walking out of King’s office, smiling. “Could have saved yourself a lot of hangovers, Lidi, but I’m glad you finally wised up.”
“OMG!” I gasped, hugging her. “Are you alright?”
The pretty woman rolled her eyes and groaned. “No thanks to your brother. I think I contracted some deadly disease. Do you realize he’s not changed one bit since he was a kid? The man is still a child and he’s still a fucking slob.”
I chuckled at that. “Don’t forget a hypochondriac and allergic to bees.”
Sugar sighed as King walked past.
“King told me what happened. How’s Eugene?”
“He will live,” I sighed, lightly shaking my head before I added, “I’m more worried about Trip, though. It’s bad, Sugar. Maybe you should call Lacey when you get the time.”