Page 87 of Frank
“True.” He nodded, smiling at my son. “He’s gonna be my friend when he gets bigger. Isn’t he, Frank?”
“He’s going to be your best friend, Cameron.”
Camron sniffed before he leaned over and kissed Charlie on the forehead. “You hear that, Charlie. It’s gonna be you and me someday. Best buds. We’re gonna rule this place.”
God, this kid was breaking my heart. So much love, desperately wanting a friend to call his own. My little buddy let nothing get him down, and just when he thinks he’s got it all, it’s snatched away from him. If anyone deserved a friend, it was Cameron.
Someone that was all his.
Looking around the room, I saw Skylar, Pyro, and Scribe standing near the bar, listening to our conversation as Sky wiped a tear. Pyro held his wife close when Scribe whispered something as Sky and Pyro both nodded.
Scribe looked at me, then winked as he walked away.
Chapter Twenty-Six
“Bill, I’m busy,” I stated firmly, as I wrote in a chart before handing it to a nurse. “I want another CT scan and then change his dressings. The antibiotics aren’t working. Page me if he worsens.”
“Yes, Doctor,” the nurse said before scurrying away to do what I asked.
Turning to Bill Caldwell, I said, “You’ve got five minutes. What?”
“I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything for the NICU, just fill out the correct paperwork and I’ll approve it.”
Narrowing my eyes, I asked, “Why the change of heart?”
The man stuttered before saying, “No reason. Just trying to be helpful.”
“Yeah, right,” I clipped before walking to another room, grabbing the chart before I opened the door. “I don’t know what game you are playing, Bill, but I’m not in the mood. Whatever it is, can wait until all my patients are stable. I don’t have time to argue with you.”
Ignoring the man, I walked into the room to check on my next patient.
My morning had been like this since I walked into the hospital.
Non stop.
Go. Go. Go.
I barely had time to catch my breath before someone was paging me to another room. The hospital was full of family and friends of accident victims, all wanting the latest updates on their loved ones. While I did my best to tell them what they wanted to hear, I refused to lie, preferring to give it to people straight.
It was the right thing to do.
Opening the chart in my hands, I asked, “And how are you feeling today, Ms. Davis?”
The young woman was in the accident like most of the others, and while she wasn’t badly hurt, she was fighting a rather nasty infection.
“Still sore. When can I leave?”
“As soon as your fever goes down. Do you hurt anywhere?”
“No. Well, my stomach still hurts, but that’s from my seat belt, right?”
Placing her chart at the foot of her bed, I reached for my stethoscope and spoke, “Possibly. Let me check.”
After listening to her lungs and heart, I lifted her gown to press lightly around her stomach and noticed the red stretch marks on her lower abdomen. “Did you recently have a baby, Ms. Davis?”
“No,” the young woman said, shaking her head. “I lost a lot of weight recently, though.”