Page 20 of Drew
“What does it mean?”
His brow furrowed.
She would likely seem like an ignorant fool, but she had no way of knowing what ‘mating’ involved. “If we have sex, what does that mean? You said we’re mates. If I let you have me now, does that somehow tie me to you?”
For a few moments, he was silent, his gaze intense, his thumb stroking over her skin until he finally spoke. “We should talk first.”
“Just tell me.”
He closed the distance between them. His chest brushed hers, and he took her hands, interlacing their fingers. “If I take you to bed now, no, it doesn’t bind you to me. But if I imprint on you, then yes, it does.”
“Yes.” He lifted their joined hands and squeezed her fingers. “The male imprints on his female, and a bond is formed. One that’s instinctual and powerful. It feels like you need me, right? You’re drawn to me?”
She nodded. “Since I first caught your scent. It was amazing and weird and—”
“Wonderful?” He supplied.
“I felt all those things too. We’re meant to be together, and once I imprint on you, we’ll be bonded. Sort of like a marriage.”
“And this happens during sex?” Alyssa was trying to understand. She no longer felt threatened by Drew, but she was not ready to be united with him permanently. Mate or not, he was still a stranger.
“Yes, but only if I choose to imprint on you.” Releasing her hands, he pulled her even closer, his hands gliding down her back. “It’s not something I would force on you, but this needy feeling we’re both experiencing? We can ease that discomfort.” He tipped her face upward. “Let me make love to you, and then we’ll both be more interested in chatting rather than fucking.”
She was about to open her mouth with more concerns about imprinting when he interjected. “I swear I won’t imprint on you until I have your permission. I come from a modern family and a modern pack, and we value equality. I want you as my mate and partner, not a prisoner.”
“I still don’t know you.” The words were a whisper.
“I have a feeling there are many things you don’t know, but I promise you we’ll sort it all out.”
Answers should have been the most crucial thing to Alyssa. She’d been on her own for her entire life, and now that those answers were within reach, all her body wanted to do was collide with Drew’s. “This needy feeling, you can make it go away?”
“I can certainly lessen it. You need me.” He pressed his erection against her stomach. “You need this.”
Swallowing, she looked up. “Make me feel better.”
The concern in his gaze lessened, heat replacing it. “My pleasure.”
In one swift move, he lifted her into the air and carried her to the bed. He lowered her until she perched on the edge. She watched as his hands went to his belt and released the buckle, then the snap. She licked her lip.
“I love it when you look at me like that.”
It was a labor to tear her gaze away from his strong hands and up to his face. “Like what?”
His grin was seductive. “Like you want a bite.”
With the denim loose around his hips, he dragged his shirt up and over his head. Toned and tanned, his abs were superb. His brown nipples were tight, and his pecs looked firm.
“Because I do.” She shifted on the bed, her gaze consuming him. Bite, lick, nibble, whatever he’d allow.
“There were a lot of things about last night that disappointed me,” Drew told her. “But not getting to see you naked, standing in the snow, tops the list. Strip.”
Alyssa should have balked at the commanding tone, but another wave of liquid heat hit her panties. She yanked her sweater over her head and tossed it aside. Her tank top soon followed. She reached back for her bra fastenings and saw his penetrating stare.
It was so unlike the first time she stripped for a guy. This was for Drew, her mate. There would be no shame, no fear. Only heat and passion.